Chapter 18

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Alec was watching a movie with Izzy, Clary and Simon. He was still feeling a bit weak after giving his strength to Magnus. But sleep had helped a lot. Magnus had texted him earlier to let him know Ragnor had agreed to help and had a plan he was sure would work. Though it worried Alec that Magnus hadn't said what the plan was. 

Alec had tried asking Magnus, but he avoided the question and sent him a text asking if he was feeling better instead. Alec tried to concentrate on the movie but all he could think about was what Magnus was not telling him. 

"Are you okay Alec?" Clary asked in concern quietly as Simon had fallen asleep on Alec's shoulder and she didn't want to wake him. Izzy also gave Alec a concerned look. 

"Yeah I'm just worried about Magnus", Alec said also quietly, he made sure not to move so he wouldn't wake Simon. Alec was touched that Simon trusted him enough to fall asleep on him. "He won't tell me what Ragnor's plan is". 

"I'm sure he just wants you to focus on rest", Clary said comfortingly. 

"Yeah hermano, you have been through a lot. He probably doesn't want to cause you stress". 

"But he's keeping something from me Iz, and I'm worried he's going to do something that could put him in danger". 

Izzy was about to try and comfort Alec but was interrupted by a very loud knock that unfortunately woke Simon up. 

"No that's my cookie Rebecca", Simon said still disoriented from his dream. 

Alec, Izzy and Clary were very annoyed that someone had woken Simon up. He normally found it hard to sleep because of nightmares. But at least this time he seemed to have been dreaming about his sister and cookies. Alec was going to yell at whoever had woken up Simon but was suprised to see Raphael. 

"I was hoping I could come in and see Simon if that's okay?" Raphael said as soon as Alec opened the door without even saying hello. 

"Simon's very tired I'm not sure if he's up to it", Alec said trying to hide his irritation, he was still mad at Raphael for kissing Simon without permission and causing conflict for Simon and Jace. 

"It's okay Alec, I would like to see him", Simon said. 

Izzy frowned, "Are you sure Jace would mind?"

"Izzy, Jace trusts that nothing would happen".

"I'm sure he trusts you but not Raphael". 

"I promise I'm not here to cause trouble, I just want to check that Simon's okay", Raphael said. He found it awkward being in the same room as two of his exes, things were still tense with Izzy. He had tried to be friends with her but she was unwilling to be friends as she was still mad at him for hurting Simon. 

"Izzy maybe we should let them talk alone", Clary said awkwardly, she didn't want to make Izzy angry but she felt Simon needed this talk with Raphael. Thankfully Izzy agreed although reluctantly. 

"We're out here if you need us Simon", Alec said. He didn't really trust Raphael around Simon either. But like Clary he felt this needed to happen as he knew Simon cared about Raphael. 

Simon led Raphael into the dining room as he didn't feel comfortable talking in his bedroom. He didn't want to give Raphael the wrong idea. "It's um great to see you". 

"You too, I'm so glad you're safe now", Raphael had known Magnus had saved Simon as Magnus had texted him. When Raphael had woken up in Luke's house he had panicked because he had been so afraid for Simon. He had wanted to help Magnus save Simon, but Magnus was very protective of him as he was like a son to him. And he wouldn't let Raphael go with him. 

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