Chapter 13

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Alec was fighting desperately against Jake, but he was too strong and had the upper hand. Jake was getting carried away and became so violent that he hurt Alec badly every time he thrusted into him. Tears were streaming down Alec's face as the pain increased as he kept being slammed against the wall. 

Alec was afraid this would go on forever but to his immense relief Magnus suddenly appeared in the office. Magnus was so angry at the sight of Jake raping Alec that he dropped the glamour on his warlock mark. He used his magic to throw Jake off Alec and sent him to who knows where, Magnus was too angry to care. 

Magnus ran to Alec and used magic to give Alec new clothes as Jake had ripped Alec's clothes and ruined them. Alec collapsed into Magnus' arms, he wished he could wrap his arms around Magnus but he still had the enchanted chains on his wrists so he couldn't. But being embraced by Magnus was enough to calm him. 

Magnus gently cupped Alec's face, "You're safe now Alexander, I'm taking you home". 

"I love you so much", Alec said his voice wobbly from crying. 

"I love you too my beautiful omega", Magnus didn't care that Alec belonged to Victor because of his mating bite. He would still consider Alec to be his omega and he knew Alec would always think of him as his alpha. 

"I'm so sorry Victor did this to me", Alec said as he gestured to the mating bite. "And that he made you watch".

"It wasn't your fault it was all Victor's, where is he?" 

"He's in a meeting, he wouldn't tell me where". 

"I'll take you home now, we don't know how long we have until he comes back. I'll come back for your things later", Magnus said and he gently carried Alec. It wouldn't be safe for Alec to come back to the institute until Victor was defeated, so Alec would need his things to be at Magnus' apartment instead of his room. 

"Thank you Magnus", Alec said as he leaned his head against Magnus' chest. 

Magnus smiled lovingly at Alec, he had missed the feeling of Alec in his arms so much, "You are more than welcome". 

Magnus created a portal and quickly took Alec through it and arrived at his apartment. Jace immediately tried to take Alec from Magnus but he moved Alec out of Jace's reach. He knew Jace just wanted to help but he didn't like the thought of another alpha touching his omega after what Alec had been through. 

"Hermano are you okay?" Izzy said anxiously, she wanted to hug Alec but given Magnus' reaction to Jace she felt she needed to wait until Magnus had taken Alec to their room so he could rest. 

Alec smiled warmly at Izzy, feeling so grateful to Magnus for letting his loved ones stay at his apartment. Magnus had explained they were here when they went through the portal as he was worried Alec would feel overwhelmed by so many people being in his apartment. But Alec had reassured Magnus that he would be okay and that he was so thankful he had kept them safe. "I am now thanks to Magnus". 

"Thank you for saving him". 

"I would do anything for your brother". 

"Wait how come his hands are still chained. Did you leave them on?" Jace said giving Magnus an accusatory look. 

Magnus sighed, "I told you Blondie, Victor had them enchanted remember? Only the warlock Victor hired could break the enchantment and I can't take them off until the spell is lifted. But I don't know who he is and Alexander didn't recognize him. I can't believe you would think I would deliberately leave them on". 

Jace was about to argue but Alec interrupted him, "Jace, Magnus saved me and he would never take advantage of me like that. Where's Simon, Clary and Andrew are they okay?" 

Jace wanted to argue further, though Magnus seemed to make Alec happy he didn't fully trust Magnus with Alec's heart. But he knew it would only upset Alec if he voiced his thoughts so he reluctantly dropped the issue for now. "They are fine, Andrew is making us lunch, Simon is sleeping and Clary is protecting him. She wouldn't even let me in there", Jace said with an irritated huff. 

"Maybe she doesn't trust you not to take advantage of Simon", Magnus said. 

"But I would never hurt Simon". 

"Now you know how I felt when you accused me of that". 

"Boys stop fighting, Alec needs to rest. Magnus please take him to his room", Izzy said sharply leaving no room for argument. 

Magnus took Alec to his room but glared at Jace before he left. He carefully laid Alec down on their bed, "Would you like me to use magic to give you pyjamas? It will be difficult to put some on yourself with your hands chained". 

"Yes please thanks, um I'm sorry about Jace". 

"It's okay I understand that he's so protective of you".  

"I feel bad that Andrew is going to the trouble of making lunch but I don't feel up to eating". 

Magnus felt a twinge of jealousy at Alec's concern for Andrew but tried to ignore it, "Don't worry Alexander, I'm sure he won't mind and we could save some for you to eat when you feel ready to. I'll leave now so you can rest". 

"Wait can you um... wait until I fall asleep?" Alec said feeling embarrassed for asking, but part of him was terrified that Victor would show up at any moment and take him away. He would never be able to sleep alone. 

"Of course my Angel", Magnus said, "Is it okay if I lay next to you?" After what Victor and Jake had done to Alec, Magnus didn't want to overstep any boundaries. 

"I would love that". 

Magnus was relieved that Alec said that, it was comforting to him too being able to hold Alec close. Magnus slipped under the covers and held Alec. 

"I'm so sorry about the chains, I wish I could take them off you. You know I don't want them on you right?" Despite what Alec said to Jace, Magnus still felt anxious and insecure. Though he liked people to think he was confident and had not let himself falter in front of Jace. What Jace had said hurt a lot. He meant it when he told Alec he understood Jace being protective of Alec, but that didn't stop the pain. 

Alec cupped Magnus face soothingly, "I know that, I promise I never thought you wanted them on me". Alec hated that Jace had hurt Magnus and decided that he would have words with him. He knew he was just being protective, but his protective nature had hurt people in the past too. Past boyfriends had been upset when Jace had thought they just wanted Alec because he was an omega. 

Magnus felt so relieved to hear that, "Would you like me to sing you a song to help you sleep?" Magnus was going to say lullaby but he didn't want Alec to feel embarrassed. "I often used to sing with the Beetles you know". 

Alec used to wonder how many of Magnus' name drops were true, but after getting to know Magnus he realized they were all true. He often forgot how old and experienced Magnus was as he looked so young. Magnus had even gotten Robert Downey Jr. to meet him for his birthday as he was Magnus' friend. Simon had made Alec watch the avengers and he loved it so much that he was ecstatic to meet him. Though Magnus had been jealous when Robert Downey Jr. had flirted with him. 

Alec realized that now he was a vampire he would live forever too and that though it had happened in horrifying circumstances, it solved all the immortality problems. He didn't know how he was going to tell his siblings and friends. He was sure they would keep it a secret but he was afraid of their reaction. He tried to push that aside to focus on Magnus and he happily nodded in reply. 

Magnus' voice was so beautiful that Alec didn't want to fall asleep. He wanted to stay awake and listen to him sing. But he was so physically and emotionally exhausted after everything he had been through that he found himself falling asleep to the sound of Magnus' wonderful voice.

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