Chapter 2

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Magnus arrived at his apartment very late in the evening. Magnus checked his watch and his eyes widened when he saw that it was 2am in the morning. Magnus walked into his living room and was surprised and concerned to see Alec asleep on the sofa and not in the bed they shared. But when Magnus moved closer to Alec his heart broke at the state Alec was in. Alec's eyes were red rimmed from crying and he kept tossing and turning in his sleep. Magnus remembered the way he had treated Alec in the morning and he felt even worse.

Magnus picked Alec up gently and used his magic to put pyjamas on Alec so he was more comfortable. Magnus carried Alec to their bedroom and put him down on the bed and covered him with the blanket. Alec's words were floating in Magnus' head. He had said that today was special. Magnus didn't understand why today was special, but now he was determined to find out.

Magnus took his phone out of his pocket to check his calendar, but there was nothing on there that would explain why. Only the meetings he had earlier were in the calendar. Magnus went back to the living room, he had not felt tired enough to sleep before he came in. And now he was even more awake because of his guilt.

Alec had left his phone on the living room table. It lit up with a text, Magnus automatically read the text even though he knew he shouldn't and felt even more guilty for invading Alec's privacy. Magnus' heart dropped when he read the text. The text was from Simon, saying he hoped he had a good birthday and a great time with Magnus. And that he was looking forward to when he could celebrate Alec's birthday with him tomorrow. 

It all came flooding back now, Alec talking about his 21st birthday and wanting to take time off to spend the day with him. Magnus barely registered sitting down on the sofa as he was feeling so terrible, he had treated Alec horribly at breakfast and then had ignored him all day. Alec had turned 21 today, it was a very special birthday and Magnus hated himself for missing it.

Magnus rang Simon, he knew that Simon would be mad at him. But Magnus wanted to make up for missing Alec's birthday and as Simon was very close with Alec, he hoped Simon would give him ideas. 

"Hey man, you know it's 2AM right?" 

"Hi I know I'm sorry but... I have really messed up". 

"What happened?"

"I was so worried and nervous about the clients I had to see today, because they are awful people that I completely forgot it was Alexander's birthday today", Magnus said and reluctantly told Simon how mean he had been to Alec. 

"But I thought you had taken today off and how could you do that to Alec?" Simon said trying to reign in his anger. He wasn't the sort of person to get really angry unless someone hurt him or someone he loved. He knew that Magnus hadn't meant to forget Alec's birthday but Magnus had still hurt him, so it was still really hard to control his temper. 

"I was researching spells, I was so focused on the book that I was only partially paying attention to what Alec said. I completely forgot when I found the spells I was looking for and these people are very forceful they wouldn't have let me get out of the meetings. Once they threatened to hurt Alexander because they were so angry with me and they threatened to ruin my career. And I hate that I treated Alec terribly I wish I could go back in time and take it back". 

"I'm sorry Magnus, I know what people like them are like. But it was Alec's 21st birthday-"

"I know, I know. I need to fix this Simon. I know you probably hate me right now, but please help me". 

"I don't hate you Magnus, I'm just upset that you hurt Alec. But I will help you make it up to him. Would you like to come round to mine and Jace's apartment to talk about it?" 

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