The Blind Banker- Seven

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Chapter Seven

"Those pots were her obsession. They needed urgent work. If they dry out the clay can start to crumble. Apparently you have to keep making tea in them..." I glanced at the pots in display and noticed that they longer have the dull colour. Sherlock and I walked to the cabinet for a closer inspection. "You see it too." Sherlock stated. "Last time we came here, only one of those pots were shining." I said.

Andy directed us to the security room. "I know it's antiquated but everyone who comes in here has to enter their name. She hasn't been back to the museum. Look at the log!" The museum is a warren of doors and cupboards and electrical access tunnels...

Jump cut from one door to another...

From one gallery to another...

From one wire-mesh panel to another...

This whole museum is a maze of entrances and exits...

"Maybe she never went away..."I thought aloud. We spent the rest of the day planning on how we can or at least could encounter Soo Lin Yao.

I also spent some reassuring time with my Aunt Martha or who I like to call Mar-Mar. We spent most of the time looking in the old family scrap book. "Look, there's you in your little wellies and pirate hat. You were adorable but now look at you. Michelle you've turned into the perfect woman in society. No, your better than the normal people around us. I wish your parents could see you in the same light as I do. You should be very proud of yourself." I smiled cuddling into her side on the sofa. "I wish I could say I'm proud but I'm not. You may call me the perfect woman but I will, forever be a spare piece in society. I was a spare chess piece in childhood hell I wasn't even recognised in RAF and the Army until I went MIA. I'm no hero, Mar-Mar."

"Your parents are idiots dearie. They were never their for you. If anything a person in your situation tends to go in the wrong direction, down the wrong path and blame their past for it, but you haven't; Yes you've seen things that not many around us can face or even stomach. Done things that no normal person would bother. Your a women, a lady even, that's injured war, suffered neglect, suffered loss but the fact is, your here now. Your not a spare piece muffin. Now of all times your not."

"What do you mean?" She chuckled. "If you haven't figured it out then I'm not interfering with destiny."

"Please, the universe is rarely so lazy. Anything I have gets taken away from me at some point." I reasoned. She continued to laugh. "You sound like someone else I know..." She said in between laughs...

Third POV

Sherlock and John were in the flat above Michelle and Mrs Hudson, and whilst the girls chewed the fat John thought it would be suitable to try with Sherlock. Or at least attempt. "Sherlock I find it strange..."

"What strange?" Sherlock questioned not moving, not blinking away from the wall of wonders. "I find it strange that you deduce everyone, everything but you've never spoke your deductions out loud towards Michelle." This caught Sherlock's attention like a deer caught by headlights. "I mean, no offence mate, but you don't care of people's reactions when you spitfire their daily appearances, what they've previously done, their darkest secret but you've never spoke out loud your deductions about Michelle. Why?"

"Don't be a simpleton John, I described her the minute I met you both at St Bart's..."

"Yes, you described me hell even my sister but you've never did that with Michelle. Not really."

"Well what is there to say she calls herself a women of mystery and that's exactly what she is."

"Is that your way of saying that you cannot deduce her." The truth was Sherlock did deduce her but he could only deduce a part of her, and it wasn't as if Michelle let people see what she wanted them to see. That's why in Sherlocks case, he found it frustrating. The things he could deduce were, to state to a normal being were traumatising. Like Sherlock, Michelle was ignorant to certain things everyday people noticed. One being emotion. Sure she could detect what emotion someone felt or feels but there was one in particular she could never understand and that was love, romance. It was the same for Sherlock. However, Sherlock chose to be oblivious to it. He wasn't blind. Michelle was.

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