The Final Problem- One

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Chapter One

Third POV

An eye opens revealing its blue iris. A young face appears. It's a young girl with brown curly hair, who looks no older than ten years old and possibly younger. As she looks up she sees that she's on an aeroplane.

The plane is shaking, the lights are flickering on and off and above her the emergency oxygen masks have dropped down and are swaying back and forth.

The girl turns to the window and pushes up the blind and looks out.

It's dark outside.

She pulls the blind down and turns to the woman sitting beside her with her eyes closed. "Mummy?"

The woman doesn't wake.

Frowning, the girl stands up and looks along the plane.

All the passengers have their eyes closed, and above them all the oxygen masks have dropped down.

The plane jolts again.

The girl turns to her mother and worriedly shakes her. "Mummy! Wake up! Wake up! Mummy!" When her mother still doesn't respond the girl unclips her seatbelt, stands up and squeezes past her mum's knees to get to the aisle.

Crockery rattles and she looks to the rear of the plane. A flight attendant is lying in the aisle unconscious, crockery and a coffee pot on the floor in front of her.

The girl turns and looks to the front of the plane and gasps at what she sees.

The door to the flight deck is open and the pilot can be seen slumped over the controls, his right arm dangling at his side. The co-pilot is lying on the floor behind his seat.

The girl anxiously calls towards the flight deck: "Wake up!"

A mobile phone can be heard ringing some distance away.

The girl starts to walk towards the flight deck, stopping to shake the arm of the person sitting in the aisle seat in front of her row.

When she gets no response she continues forwards, her feet crushing sweets that have rolled into the aisle. Her look of distress increases when she sees another flight attendant unconscious on the floor at the front of the aisle.

The ringing phone is closer and she sees it on a small shelf in front of a couple of passengers in the front seats. She reaches over and picks up the phone.

She pushes the screen and holds the phone to her ear. "Help me, please. I'm on a plane and everyone's asleep. Help me!"

A very familiar male voice speaks over the phone. "Hello. My name's Jim Moriarty. Welcome... To the final problem."

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