His Last Vow- Three

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Chapter Three

"Isaac, make your way downstairs, Mary should be there." Nodding his head, I pull him up before he stumbles away. John, with arms crossed, twists his head. "So your..." He tries to speak but I cut him off. "John, take that..." I point to Sherlock. "To St Bart's, I have a few calls to make." Not waiting for a answer I turn away and boot open the temporary cover for the fire escape, it splits and splays itself across the ground. Jumping over the wall onto the bin, I land gracefully to the ground. "For God's sakes, John! I'm on a case!"

"A month, that's all it took. One." I listen to John and Sherlock bicker whilst I message Mycroft:

Found your idiot of a brother high as a kite.

"Sherlock Holmes in a drug den! How's that gonna look?"

"I'm undercover."

Where? MH.

"No you're not!"

"Well, I'm not now!" I message Mycroft the details whilst Mary drives towards us. She pulls up alongside them with a squeal of brakes. "In. Both of you, quickly."

"You getting in, Michelle?" John gestures. "No best not, gotta take care of something." John nods his head and gets into the passenger seat. Not too long after, the lad from before hurries over begging to get in. "Anyone else? Michelle, you sure you don't wanna tag? I mean, we're taking everybody home, aren't we?" Mary calls over. "No thanks love, I best get going. See you later." I wave her off before saddling my motorbike. Revving the engine and doing half a donut on the tarmac, I speed down the area with one wheel in the air...

Third POV

Mary, John and the others watch as Michelle pulls a wheelie before speeding down the road. "What did you do?" The Watsons turn to Sherlock, who is squished in the middle of the lads. "What did I do? Nothing!"

"They broke up." John answered Mary. "Well that explains a lot. Why though?" Mary asked looking saddened by the news. Sherlock shrugs. "That's not a good enough answer, mate. You may be my best friend but Michelle has grown to be a sister to me. Whatever you've done, it needs fixing."

"Where we headed?" Mary asks after a few silent seconds. John breathes heavily. "We're not going home. We're going to Bart's. I'm calling Molly."


"Because Sherlock Holmes needs to pee in a jar."Sherlock lowers his handkerchief and closes his eyes with exasperation. Mary drives them all away.

Later in the lab at Bart's, Molly finishes her tests on Sherlock's urine sample. He is stands nearby, leaning back against the central bench and looking sulky. On the other side of the lab Bill is sitting on a side bench while Mary is wrapping a bandage round his arm. Isaac is also sitting nearby. Molly takes off her gloves with two loud snaps. "Well? Is he clean?" Throwing her gloves down, Molly turns to him. "Clean?" She walks over to Sherlock, then slaps him hard around the face with her right hand. Mary, Bill and Isaac look over to her in surprise. Molly slaps him again just as hard and then, for good measure, slaps him again with her left hand. Sherlock blinks and grimaces. "How dare you throw away the beautiful gifts you were born with?" She then glances briefly towards John and then looks back at Sherlock. "And how dare you betray the love of your friends? Say you're sorry."

"Sorry your engagement's over, though I'm fairly grateful for the lack of a ring." Sherlock mumbles, holding his face. "Stop it. Just stop it!" John storms towards him, his face stern but his voice low. "If you were anywhere near this kind of thing again, you could have called, you could have talked to me."

"Please do relax. This is all for a case." Mary, still wrapping Bill's arm, shakes her head. "A ca... Does that include reason as to why you broke up with Michelle? What kind of case would need you doing this? Any of this?" He gestures to it all. "I might as well ask you why you've started cycling to work." Sherlock barks back. "No. We're not playing this game."

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