The Hounds Of Baskerville- Nine

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Chapter Nine

Tightening my belt I look to the mirror. The true solider. Tilting my beret I make my way to the boys who were sat outside. Leaving the Inn, I practically march to them. John double takes a look. "Blimey, Michelle."

"That's General Phillips, Captain." He gives out a hearty laugh but straightens his posture and salutes. "Army? Explain?" He was flabbergasted. "I was in the RAF for a while before turning over in Afghanistan. The rest..." I take a deep breath. "Well you know and during sometime between Afghanistan and me going M.I.A, I worked for the Queen." Sherlock circles me before giving a hum of satisfaction. "Shall we get going."

Major Barrymore's Office - Evening

The major sat at his desk talking snarkily to Sherlock who was standing in the doorway. "Oh, you know I'd love to. I'd love to give you unlimited access to this place. Why not?" I walk in the office. "It's a simple enough request, Major." My voice rang out. He stands up, hastily. "General Phillips. It's a pleasure."

"Wish I could state the same."

"Going of what The General stated: You're to give me twenty-four hours. It's what I've negotiated."

"Not a second more. I may have to comply with this order but I don't have to like it. I don't know what you expect to find here anyway." I scoff. Sherlock responds: "Perhaps the truth."

"About what? Oh, I see. The big coat should have told me. You're one of the conspiracy lot, aren't you? Well, then, go ahead, seek them out: the monsters, the death rays, the aliens."

"Have you got any of those?" Sherlock asks, nonchalantly. Barrymore rolls his eyes. "Oh, just wondering." Barrymore leans forward. "A couple. crash landed here in the sixties. We call them Abbott and Costello." The last sentence stringing from his lips sarcastically. "Good luck, Mr Holmes. General." We walk out and make way to the camera room. "God he has a face that I could punch." I muttered.

Clicking the door shut, Sherlock laughs lowly. "Always so feisty?" He purred. I leaned into him. "Always, Sherlock." I state, dreamily. Patting his bum I state: "Now, I'm guessing putting sugar in John's cup is no coincidence."

"No." Sitting down comfortably we watch the live CCTV. The lift doors open into the first lab that the we previously visited, John comes out of the elevator. Looking around a little anxiously, he walks towards a door at the far end of the lab, the door which Doctor Frankland came out of on the first occasion. "Sherlock I don't think it's the sugar." I state. "Why?"

"Sugar is too easy, too noticeable. We have to think of other aspects." He hums in thought but continues watching John. John look around for a little while, examining areas. He walks through the decontamination zone to the door As John turns to his right to close the door behind him, the device lights up and nine bright bulbs shine straight into his eyes. He squinches his eyes shut and turns his head away, grimacing at the pain. I sit up in my chair watching the scene. A loud insistent alarm begins to blare into the room. John groans and covers his ears, completely overwhelmed by the bright light, lack of vision and the noise.

Grimacing, he starts to make his way across the lab towards the lift, holding his hand up in front of his eyes as the after-image of the arc lights keeps blanking out his vision. Finally reaching the other end of the lab, he pulls out the ID card and swipes it through the reader. It whines and tells him 'ACCESS DENIED'. He stares in disbelief and swipes the card again but it whines and gives him the same message. Holding one hand to an ear while the alarm continues to blare, he tries once more.

The same whine and message is repeated. John glares at it in exasperation and at that moment all the lights go out and the alarm drones into silence. Sherlock types on his phone, getting key access to the labs electrics. The room is now under emergency lighting only, which is dark red and barely illuminates the area. He scrabbles in his pocket for his flashlight and switches it on, although its beam isn't very helpful against the continued after image of the arc lights which is still affecting his retinas.

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