A Scandal In Belgravia- Five

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Chapter Five

I stopped going Baker street, to be exact I had moved out. I spoke to John often, he'd usually fill me in on what was going on but other than that I had no contact. Mar-Mar convinced me to spend time with them at the Christmas get together. I did feel bad for just leaving but I couldn't control how I felt. It was something I just couldn't control...

Nevertheless, I got ready for the get together and I brought a few presents along the way. Taking a somewhat, deep breath I knocked on 221B. "Michelle? You came?" John opened the door and attacked me with a hug. "Lovely, Sherlock, that was lovely. I wish you could have worn the antlers." Mar-Mar was sat near the window with a glass of sherry. "Some things are best left to the imagination, Mrs Hudson."

"Would you like a drink?" John asked taking my coat. "Yeah, something large will do." He looked to me knowingly. "Oh, Michelle you came." Auntie greeted me with a drunk hug. "Of course."

"No, Sarah was the doctor, then there was the one with the spots, then the one with the nose, and then, who was after the boring teacher?" I was zooming in and out of conversation, greeting people and drinking my fair share of wine. Molly came through the door with a bag of presents. "Hello everyone, erm, it said on the door just come up." Most of the group greet her cheerfully, I give her a curt nod and Sherlock seemed like he just wanted this entire ordeal to end. "Oh, everybody's saying hello to each other. How wonderful."

"Let me, holy Mary!" John and Lestrade gawp in similar appreciation, I hated to admit so, but Molly looked gorgeous. "Having Christmas drinkies, then?"

"No stopping them apparently." Sherlock muttered. "It's the one day of the year where the boys have to be nice to me, so its almost worth it!" Molly's eyes were fixated on Sherlock. "Hey, do you have that present I asked for him?" I asked Molly, tentively. She nodded and passed it me. I rummaged around my paper bag and whipped out the present to give her. "Merry Christmas, it's not much but I hope you enjoy it." She gave me a brief hug. I walked around the room giving everyone else theirs. "How's the hip?" I asked Mar-Mar. "Oh, its atrocious, but thanks for asking."

"I've seen worse, but then I do post-mortems." Molly commented before Sherlock scolded her. "I thought you were in Dorset for Christmas?" Molly asked Lestrade before Sherlock deduced that his wife was still sleeping with the P.E. teacher. "And John, I hear you're off to your sister's, is that right?"

"Yeah. First time ever, she's cleaned up her act. She's off the booze."


"Shut up, Sherlock." John snapped. Sherlock then scanned over and saw me. "I see you've got a boyfriend, Michelle, and you're serious about him." I paused my movement, looking back at him. "You what?"

"In fact, you're seeing him this very night and giving him a gift."

"Take a day off." John grew exasperated. "Shut up and have a drink." Lestrade stated. "Oh, come on. Surely you've all seen the present now sat alone in her bag. It's for someone special." He stated, approaching me like I was his prey. He plucked the present from my bag and started rattling of deductions: "The shade of red echoes her lipstick, either unconscious association or one that she's deliberately trying to encourage. Either way Miss Phillips has love on her mind. The fact that she's serious about him is clear from the fact she's giving him a gift at all. That would suggest long-term hopes, however forlorn; And that she's seeing him tonight is evident from her make-up and what she's wearing. Obviously trying to compensate for the size of her mouth and breasts..."

His smug expression quickly turned iced. Everyone was silent. Clenching my jaw, I downed the rest of my drink before briskly wiping my dampened cheek."Trying to compensate for my breasts? Wow Sherlock, could it be, that you've reached a new kind of low in deducing and discriminating? How delightful. I'm stupid enough these days to show emotion." He blinked as I stepped forward and locked eye contact with him. I felt more tears fall. "I hope you and Irene are very happy together Mr. Holmes. She seems to have you wrapped around her finger." An orgasmic sigh echo's the room. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be, enjoy your present. Bye everyone."

Third POV

Everyone was silent. "Don't be, enjoy your present. Bye everyone." Michelle waved rather sarcastically before leaving. Sherlock was glued to the spot. Words which were spoken affected both sides of the participants but Sherlock began to regret his actions. For once, he was filled with guilt. Hearing another text alert, he opened the message before moving to the fireplace, collecting the red box and made way towards his bedroom. Opening the box he found Irene's camera phone. "Oh dear lord. We're not going to have Christmas phone calls now, are we? Have they passed a new law?"

"I think you're going to find Irene Adler tonight. No, I mean you're going to find her dead." John came through before leaving again. Sherlock gazed at the phone before also, gazing at the silver present from Michelle. Sighing to himself he peeled it open. Inside sat a vintage pocket watch, clicking it open he read the engraving:

Not all Hero's wear capes,
Some wear deer stalkers,
With Belstaff coats &
Blue scarfs...

Sighing to himself, he got ready for St Bart's and pocketed the small gift.

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