The Reichenbach Falls- Seventeen

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Well here we are... Get your tissues ready. Your gonna need them. And please listen to the song I've added. If you can't access it, it's 'Who knew' from Pink. I think it fits perfectly.

Chapter Seventeen

We ran to get a taxi back to St Bartholomew's. Mar-Mar was fine. However, I knew Sherlock wouldn't be. John knew too. We kept trying to phone him continuously in the cab but to no avail there was no response. Please don't do what I think your gonna do! Please don't confirm my suspicions. Please God, let me be wrong...

Our taxi pulls up, we scramble out the car. Running. Just as we were reaching the building John's phone rings. "Hello?" Putting on speaker, Sherlock begins to speak: "Both of you, turn around and walk back the way you came now."

"No, we're coming in."

"Just do as I ask. Please." Pulling in a shaky breath we followed his instruction. We start looking around, bewildered. "Where?"

"Stop there."

"Sherlock? What's going on?" I speak, already on the edge. "Okay, look up. I'm on the rooftop." Our faces fill with dread as we slowly look up. "Oh God."

"I... I can't come down, so we'll... We'll just have to do it like this."

"What's going on?" John asked. "An apology. It's all true. Everything they said about me. I invented Moriarty."

"Why are you saying this? Sherlock you know that's not true." My voice began betraying me. "I'm a fake."


"The newspapers were right all along. I want you to tell Lestrade; I want you to tell Mrs Hudson, and Molly... In fact, tell anyone who will listen to you that I created Moriarty for my own purposes." His voice became wobbly too. "Okay, shut up, Sherlock, shut up. The first time we met... The first time we met, you knew all about my sister, right?"

"Nobody could be that clever."

"You could. Michelle is." John points to me. Sherlock laughs through the call. "That's because Michelle is genuine. I researched you. Before we met I discovered everything that I could to impress you. It's a trick. Just a magic trick." John closes his eyes and shakes his head repeatedly. "No. All right, stop it now." I begin walking towards the hospital entrance. "No, stay exactly where you are. Don't move. John grab her." John brings me back to him, holding onto me tightly.

"John, pass the phone to Michelle." He hands his phone over. "Sherlock, what are you doing?" A tear dribbles down my face. "Michelle turn off the speaker I want to talk privately." Doing as he instructed I sniffled. "Sherlock come of the roof, we can get help." I plead. He chuckles. "I'm afraid it's too late for that darling."

"Please don't do this, you promised."

"I know, I know." It was silent for a moment before he spoke up again. "Michelle your brilliant, your fantastic and I'm sorry but one thing that isn't a lie, that isn't fake is my feelings for you." My stomach turned. I've waited so long for this moment but I didn't want it to be like this. I try cutting of Sherlock from speaking but it doesn't work. "I love you. My darling girl, I love you so very much but I want you to be happy. Can you promise me that?"

Tears trickle down my face. "Sherlock your not going to keep your promise so why should I keep mine?" I take a deep breath in before continuing: "Sherlock if you love me don't do this. Please. I'm begging you." I look to John who is puzzled on whether to look to me or the rooftop. "Sherlock please..."

Placing the phone on speaker again, he starts speaking again. "This phone call it's my note. It's what people do, don't they, leave a note?" John shakes his head "Leave a note when?"

"Goodbye, John."

"No. Don't."

"Goodbye, Michelle..." The phone cuts of and we see Sherlock spread his arms. As if he's already accepted his failure. "No. SHERLOCK!" John screams as he falls, plummeting towards the ground. Disappearing from our view John runs forward. I collapse to the ground, blinking inhumanly at nothing. "I'm a doctor, let me come through. Let me come through, please." John's voice echoes through the crowd. It takes me a moment before I get up. I can't do this. "I can't do this." I repeat. I turn around and run. I ran deciding to go back to Baker Street.

Cars swerved, buses blared their horns but I didn't care. Slamming the door open I pause in thought, in the middle of the living room. My handbag falls from my grip. Beginning to shake my head I scream.

Turning around, using everything I've got I trash the flat. I rip the door off it's hinges...

I throw the wooden chairs through the windows...

I obliterate Sherlock's science equipment...

I destroy the tables...

I throw the crockery of the wall...

Punching through the mirror above the fireplace I fall to the ground as the mirror shatters around me. I punch over and over again on the floor screaming.

"NO, NO, NO." I repeat over and over again. Before I knew it, their was multiple footsteps pounding on the staircase. "Michelle?!" I don't answer I just continue screaming. Screaming in agony. Screaming in pain.

Lestrade walks in with a few officers, prepared for the worst. An arm grabs me from punching the floor again. Looking up I notice Anderson. "YOU DID THIS!" I scream, hysterically. Lestrade steps in slapping handcuffs on me, he picks me up setting me over his shoulder. I kick and scream. "YOU AND DONOVAN DID THIS!"

Lestrade ignores my screams and speaks to John in the doorway about keeping me in a cell for the night for my own safety. I scream even louder when they try to purposely push me in the car.

Slamming the doors closed, I began shrieking as well as crying in agony.

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