The Six Thatchers- Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

The curtain rises.
The last act.
It's not over. SH

London Aquarium.
Come immediately. MP

Sherlock and I message Mary and John.

This really isn't going to end well...

I look down to myself and smile gently. I'm going to believe that whatever is about to happen...

Will happen for a reason...

However, don't think for one second that I don't love you. You've given me hope. Hope to believe that the impossible would happen to me. To us. You've also given me hope that when the time is right, the impossible will happen once more...

You're not a sacrifice, far from it. After all, you're not going to be the target. If I knew sooner, I could of planned this out much better and beneficial for us all. You're the opposite to a sacrifice. You're the light to the end of my tunnel but your place isn't to be here...

I look to the sky...

You place is to be up their, belong up their. I don't want to bring you into this world, to have a family that may be broken beyond repair from close future events. You must understand I'm doing this for good reasons. As much as I hate it, I wouldn't do this without a reason...

The only thing I'm going to regret is either telling or not telling Sherlock, how would he react?

"You alright?" Snapping out my thoughts I turn to Sherlock. I smile gently. "Sherlock, just in case... In case something happens just remember I love you. I know I don't say it enough but I love you so much and I'm sorry." His eyes soften. "My darling girl." He clasps onto my hands. I look towards the river flowing beneath us from over the bridge. Dainty long fingers grasp my chin gently. "Nothings going to happen." He spoke. Spoken as if he promised so. If only he knew.

"Well in case something does happen, even if it's an ounce, there are ambulances on standby."

"You're really worried about this, aren't you?" His blue eyes shine and twinkle at me. I turn away again only for Sherlock to pull me close. One arm around my waist, he brings my left hand to his lips. Kissing each knuckle he admires my wedding ring to be. "We may not be married yet but I promise to protect you. I promise to love you with all that I am and if it's any consolation, I will always forgive you. Is that enough?" Pulling him down and pushing to my tippy toes, my hands tangle and grip onto his curls and I gift him the most passionate kiss ever known to mankind.

"It's more than enough." I breathe.

Country Hall, South Bank - Nightfall

Inside the Sea Life, London Aquarium housed inside County Hall, Sherlock and I make our way along the blue-lit corridors and through the glass tunnels under the water. Hand in hand.

- - Ladies and gentlemen, the Aquarium will be closing in five minutes. Please make your way to the exit. Thank you. - -

We continue onwards until we reach an enclosed area with benches where people can sit and look at the various tanks planted around. A woman sits on one of the benches with her back to us. "Your office said we would find you here." I began. "This was always my favourite spot for agents to meet." She continues looking forward into a tank of sharks and other smaller fish. "We're like them: ghostly, living in the shadows." She turns to look at us.

Behind us, fluorescent jellyfish swim in another tank. "Predatory." Sherlock described. "Well, it depends which side you're on." She turns away to look into the shark tank again. "Also, we have to keep moving or we die."

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