The Blind Banker- Eight

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Chapter Eight

Third POV

The boys returned to Baker Street with Michelle in Sherlock's arms.

"Hello John, Oh whats happened to my muffin? Come in." They went into Mrs Hudson's flat and placed Michelle on the sofa, whilst they explained what happened that night. "We were trying to get information, Soo Lin she got shot and died and Michelle freaked... I need to check her injuries." Mrs Hudson got the first aid kit whilst John got to work with Michelle.

"What in the world?" John took Michelle's top off and noticed her scarred littered torso. "She's ashamed of these scars."

"How?" John asked, worried. "You must never breathe a word. Understood?" The boys both nodded. "These scars, happened in her youth as well as when she first joined the RAF and Army. Her parents, there difficult to describe but there sick and twisted. Her father used to come home and beat the girl from a early age and my sister, well she did nothing to help. The newer one's were from her Captain at the time."

"What the one who lead her to her last mission?" John asked. "Yes... I guess she thought at the time it was perhaps love. She was noticed for the first time in her life and she worked up the ranks but after a few months it changed completely. She ended whatever it was between them but my cookie didn't leave him unharmed. She blew his tank up and he was left with having to undergo treatment for his wounds and still is to this day, but her parents they went court but were found not guilty."

John looked at Michelle laying on the sofa, in whole new way. She was brave but she had a thirst for revenge for whoever did her wrong and others. Sherlock couldn't understand it in himself but he was furious. "How did she get away with blowing his tank up? That's to say, impossible!" John was flabbergasted. Mrs Hudson just laughed. "Well at the time, they were on a big mission and she infiltrated the enemies line, got some of their equipment and planted it on the tank he would use. Not enough to kill him but certainly enough to critically harm him. He was in a coma for six months. No one thought for second Michelle was capable of it so no one knew and presumed it was down to the usual of a mission. She calls it the advantage of being a spare piece."

John finished treating her wounds and placed her back on the sofa. "There was one thing though that haunts her beyond reason." She was silent for a moment, Playing with Michelle's hair. "Captain Sebastian Moran stated to her 'No one will love you like I do' before and after hitting her and I'm afraid she believes it deep down. She's brave against death but ignorant beyond reason." Mrs Hudson went to make a pot of tea and the boys were amazed by what they just learnt.

Sherlock stood by the doorframe just looking at her. For some reason he wanted to protect Michelle, so he did the next best thing he was good at. He took her case.

Brother mine, I need information. SH.

On Michelle, I presume. Already sending through. MH.

Sherlock was going to make sure her parents, Her Captain anyone who did her wrong were brought to justice...

I woke up groggily, bearing my surroundings. "Oh muffin, you're awake!" My aunt came through from the kitchen and gave me a brisk hug. "What happened?"

"You lost conscious so the boys brought you home and I fixed you up." I lifted my top and noticed plasters and bandages covered my torso. "Thank you Mar-Mar. Where are the boys?"

"They went to the station but they're now at St Bart's..."

"Great! Thank you..." Grabbing my jacket I left the flat and made my way to St Bart's. I was beyond confused on the memory Soo Lins death unlocked but I pushed it aside...

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