The Empty Hearse- Four

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Chapter Four

Finishing the final case for the night, I close the folder, placing it on the desk. "Well that's all for tonight. Thanks Bones. Your insights have been a massive help." Bones goes to the corner of the room, next to the sofa looking for the right buttons to press. "Your... Welcome... Mum." I smile brightly. Walking over to the fireplace I open a pack of treats. Throwing one to Bones, he jumps to catch it. "Good boy."

A few minutes later, I walk out the bedroom, wearing a mid length night dress with Sherlock's blue dressing gown. Even though he was gone his scent still vaguely lingered on the littlest of things. Bones looked up to me expectantly. "Go on then, lie down." Bones waddled to his bed, circling around before laying down comfortably. He then gazes to me. I get the message. Looking through my list of components that I've wrote over the months I find the perfect one to play. "Ready?" I asked, placing the violin firmly to my shoulder. Bones barks.

Slowly moving the bow against the strings, I started my melody. It was nothing special, nothing unique. It was something that harmonised well within itself. Bringing the lullaby to an end I look towards my boy. Placing the violin on its stand, I tiptoe towards him. Placing a firm kiss to his head. "Goodnight, my boy." I give his head a gentle stroke before backing away.

I go to the kitchen, preparing my cup of tea. Fishing out some biscuits, I walk towards the living room.

I pause mid step.

My heart thumps against my rib cage.

The cup falls from my hand, smashing completely.

Looking towards the room I saw through glossy eyes, "Sherlock." My voice shook. Sherlock stood with his back facing me, looking to a now confused dog. Sherlock slowly turns around. My eyes widen in disbelief. My hand flew over my mouth, which tries to fight back a sob. "Mum... Mum... Mum..." Bones sentences ring out to me. Sucking a breath in, I turn to him. "Bones go downstairs to Mar-Mar, stay their for the night, please." Bones waddles up to me, raising his front paws to my stomach. Placing a chaste kiss to his head, he trots downstairs. "Well, your certainly taken with the dog."

"How?" I demand through escapes tears. "How are you here? Your dead?"

"I assure you darling, I'm not." He slowly walks over to me. My eyes follow him until he stands half a metre away from me. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He says gently. I close the distance between us and sob into his chest. "I hate you! I hate you so much!" I muffle through tears. Hesitantly, he places his arms around me. I forgot how tall Sherlock was compared to me. I only barely reached his neck. "You really don't." I lift my head up, staring at him. "You wanna bet?" I ask rhetorically. "You fucking left me. With no word. Nothing!"

Stepping away from him, I start to piece together how he could fake his suicide. "Who knew?" He was about to answer but I replied to my own question: "Oh of course, Mycroft would know. That includes your parents as well then." I slap my head, stupidly. I pause my pace to look at him. "Molly? She knew?" His face said it all. Grabbing what lay close to me, a vase, I threw it to the floor. Beginning to pace once more, I spoke again: "Obviously your homeless network, a couple of tramps knew."

"Twenty five at the most." He butted in. Pausing my pace again, I turn my head to the side. "TWENTY FIVE AND I WASN'T A PART OF IT! JOHN WASN'T A PART IF IT!" I scream. "Can you stop screaming? We do have neighbours."

"Oh, don't you dare! Don't you dare turn this on me!" He grew confused. "You tell me you love me then throw yourself OF A FUCKING ROOF AND IM NOT SUPPOSED TO SCREAM! FUCK YOU!" Grabbing a cup, I launch it at him. He dodges it.

Staring at me with a reptilians gaze, he marches forward. I pull back my fist ready to land a blow but he catches my wrist in time. "Do you think it was easier for me either?!" He raised his voice. "Do you think I wanted it to go this way? I didn't want to fucking leave either but I had to..." He hangs his head low. "I had to. Unless we wanted to be chased by Moriarty's network for the rest of our lives I had to..." He places his hands firmly on my arms. "I didn't find this easy either, Michelle. Not only did I have to witness the after effects it caused to my best friend but I had to witness the girl I love crumble." He shakes his head, before looking up at me again.

"Who do you think got you off Bart's roof and brought you home?" Another tear rolls down my face. "Not only did I witness John at my gravestone but I watched you too. And my God, it took everything within me to not run to you, hold you. I wanted to tell you, the both of you, but the plan was quick and elaborate. I've... I've..." He stops speaking, grunting to himself. Lifting his head up again, I could see in his eyes the pain, the guilt.

Crashing into him, I hold onto him tightly. He flinches, momentarily. I lift my head. "What's wrong?"

"My back." He stated. Quickly deducing him, I stomp over to the corner of the room. Grabbing the gun I face the camera. "You! You didn't help you own brother? Wait until I see you, or better yet, just you wait until I see your mother, Mycroft Holmes!" Firing a bullet the camera smashes. Chucking the gun onto the sofa, Sherlock begins to laugh. "Oh God, I love you."

"Good." Walking to each other, we meet halfway. Sherlock pulls me close to him by my waist, whilst my hands splay over his chest. "I'm guessing you've seen John?"

"Yes, he wasn't in the least bit amused to see me." Placing my hands on the sides of his face I bring him down to me. "I've missed you." I whispered before kissing him. Sherlock pulls me even closer to him. I moan lightly when his tongue skims mine. My hands smoothly work there way to his curls whilst his smoothly work there way to the bottom of my back. Picking me up, my legs lock around him and we make way to the bedroom.

Kicking the door shut, Sherlock delicately lays me on the middle of the bed. "You sure?" He spoke between heavy pants. Flipping us over, I rip the top of his shirt open. Buttons pop and fly in multiple directions. "Sherlock, I'd be stupid to ever let you go and I'm not prepared to lose you ever again, so shut up and make love to me." Blessed with a smirk upon his face, he flips us back over.

And until the early hours of the next morning we shared the experience of passionate love. And I didn't regret it one bit...


THEY DID IT! Sorry I'll shut up. IM SOO FREAKIN HAPPY! 🤣

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