His Last Vow- Ten

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Chapter Ten

Third POV

John is strides ahead of Greg Lestrade up the stairs of the hospital. "Dunno how much sense you'll get out of him. He's drugged up, so he's pretty much babbling." Reaching the top of the staircase and walking along the landing, John looks to Lestrade. "Oh, they won't let you use that in here, you know." Gesturing to his phone. "No, I'm not gonna use the phone. I just wanna take a video." He and John grin at each other and Greg chuckles.

Shortly afterwards John opens the door to Sherlock's room and they go inside. The bed is empty. John looks round the room, and his face fills with shock when he realises that the window blind has been pulled up and the window is open. "Oh, Jesus." He and Greg stare at the window, then John sighs and the two men exchange a look. "Who was the last person with him?"

"Michelle... For fucks sake!" John huffs out heavily.

A little later Mary, sitting at home on the end of bed, is on the phone. "So where would he go?"

"Oh, Christ knows. Try finding Sherlock and Michelle in London." Mary lowers her phone and hangs up.

John and Greg are on their way out of the hospital. "He's got three known bolt holes... Parliament Hill, Camden Lock and Dagmar Court."

"Six known bolt holes." Mycroft sits at his desk at The Diogenes Club, looking down at a satellite map on his computer. Greg is standing at the other side of the table. "There's the blind greenhouse in Kew Gardens, the leaning tomb in Hampstead Cemetery and Michelle's home." He looks up at Greg and dismissively waves him away.

Molly is sitting in a canteen wearing her lab coat and holding a cardboard coffee cup. Some sandwiches part-wrapped in tin foil, together with a tangerine, are on the table beside her. She looks up at whoever she's speaking to. We can't see this person because we are looking through their eyes.
MOLLY: Just the spare bedroom... Well my bedroom. We agreed he needs the space." She nods, looking embarrassed, and takes a drink from her cup.

"Behind the clock face of Big Ben." Mrs Hudson urges. Now at 221B, John sits on the stairs with a notebook and pen in his hand and Mrs Hudson stands in the hall nearby. "I think he was probably joking." He dismisses. "No! I don't think so!"

"Leinster Gardens. That's his number one bolt hole. It's top-top secret." Anderson nods to himself. He stands with Benji in what looks like a car park or garage area, and he is addressing his comments to Mary who stands in front of them. "He only knows about it 'cause he stalked him one night."


"Followed, yeah."

At 221B, John is in the living room, pacing, and Greg and Mrs Hudson are in the kitchen. "He knew who shot him. Both of them did." The other two turn to face him as he stops walking and looks at them. He points to his lower chest. "The bullet wound was here, so he was facing whoever it was."

"So why not tell us?" John turns around towards the window, blowing out a thoughtful breath. "Because there both tracking them down themselves."

"Or protecting them."

"Protecting the shooter? Why?"

"Well, protecting someone, then. But why would he care? He's Sherlock and she's Michelle. Who would they bother protecting?" Sitting in the armchair, he looks down, frowning. Looking thoughtful, he pats the arms. "Call me if you hear anything. Don't hold out on me, John."

"Yeah. Yeah, right." Greg looks round to Mrs Hudson. "Good night, then." She walks over towards the living room door as Greg leaves. John strokes the arms of his chair with his thumbs, frowning down. "John? Need a cuppa."  She walks into the kitchen and John shifts in his chair so that he can half-turn towards her. "Mrs Hudson... Why does Sherlock and Michelle think that I'll be moving back in here?"

"Oh, yes, he's put your chair back again, hasn't he? Looks much better." His gaze falls on the small table to the right of his chair. There are two books on it and in front of them is an ornate glass bottle, shaped like a crescent moon. He frowns at it. "John, what's wrong? Tell me." Mrs Hudson urges. "John?"

A phone starts to buzz repeatedly. "That's your phone, isn't it?" She walks across the room to pick up the phone from the dining table. She looks at the screen and turns back. "It's Sherlock, John. It's Sherlock." Holding the phone out, John still gazes towards the window. He turns his head to look at the bottle again. "John! You have to answer it!"

However, for some reason, John can't tear his eyes away from the bottle, and we now see that it is a bottle of perfume. The name of the perfume is Claire de la Lune...

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