The Hounds Of Baskerville- Four

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Chapter Four

Later, Sherlock, I and John take the car to Baskerville, John in the back and I in the front. Approaching the complex, I observe my surroundings. Driving up to the gates a military security guard holds a rifle in hand. As Sherlock stops the jeep, the man walks around to the driver's window. "Pass, please. Thank you." A guard let's a sniffer dog do his run around the jeep. "You've got ID for Baskerville. How?"

"It's not specific to this place. It's my brother's. Access all areas. I, um..." Clearing his throat. "Acquired it ages ago, just in case."


"What's the matter?"

"We'll get caught."

"No we won't well, not just yet." I stated. "Caught in five minutes. 'Oh, hi, we just thought we'd come and have a wander round your top secret weapons base. Really? Great! Come in kettle's just boiled.' That's if we don't get shot." John was beyond panicking. The main gate slides open as the security guard comes back over to the car. "Clear."

"Thank you very much, sir." Putting the car in gear we ease our way forward. "Straight through, sir."

"Mycroft's name literally opens doors!" John was dazzled. "I've told you, he practically is the British government. I reckon we've got about twenty minutes before they realise something's wrong." Driving towards the main complex at Baskerville, we get out. As we approach the entrance, a military jeep pulls up and a young corporal gets out.

"What is it? Are we in trouble?"

" 'Are we in trouble, sir?' "

"Yes, sir, sorry, sir." The solider takes our appearances in before speaking. "General Phillips" He straightens up and we salute to each other. "Eric, it's so lovely to see you. Quit Afghanistan?"

"No ma'am, I resigned so my sister put word in for me to be stationed here." He gestures on. "How are you...?" He asks, delicately. "I'm as good as I can be." He nods. "You were expecting us?" Sherlock asked "Your ID showed up straight away, Mr Holmes. Corporal Eric Lyons, security. Is there something wrong, sir?"

"Well, I hope not, Corporal, I hope not."

"It's just we don't get inspected here, you see, sir. It just doesn't happen."

"Ever heard of a spot check?" John abbreviates. "Captain John Watson, Fifth Northumberland Fusiliers." He shows his badge and Eric comes to attention, saluting furthermore. "Sir. Major Barrymore won't be pleased. He'll want to see you all."

"Eric I'm a General, I'm sure I override his word at any given day. We'll need the full tour right away. Carry on." He hesitates. "That's an order, Corporal." I shoot. "Yes, ma'am." Spinning around he walks towards the entrance. I glance towards the boys who seem to be breaking out in smiles. Lyons swipes his pass through a reader, then waits for Sherlock to walk over and do the same with his own. Lyons then presses a button and the locks on the door disengage. Sherlock clicks open his pocket watch. The one I got him.

The door swings open and Lyons leads us inside, taking off his beret as he goes. As he marches, towards the next security door, the boys talk. "Nice touch."

"Haven't pulled rank in ages." John boasts. "And you..." Sherlock looks at me in awe. Walking up, by my side. He spins me round facing him. "Enjoy it?" His nose touches mine. "Oh yes." I growl, playfully. I wrap my arms around his neck. We close in just about to kiss, but then John coughs. "Guys, now is not the time." Looking at him for a moment I turn back to Sherlock and sweetly peck his lips. "There's always time." I state. John groans. "Indeed." Sherlock mumbles, squeezing my waist.

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