A Scandal In Belgravia- Eight

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Chapter Eight

"Michelle!" Mar-Mar's voice was startled and beyond frightened . "Mar-Mar!" The door boomed open and an handful of CIA agents scattered the place. The head agent from Irene's place had my aunt in an headlock. "Let her go, NOW!" With a nod of his head two men came at me. Elbowing one and punching the other I ran to the fireplace cocking my gun.

The two men recovered from their stances and had two sets of guns each aiming at me. Shooting past the left guy I dove for his right tackling him to the ground. I shot his lower leg before regaining position. He screamed in anguish. Sparing a glance to my aunt the other agent threw me to the ground. I noticed a faint glint in Sherlocks dressing gown. A familiar glint. So that's what they want. Reaching towards it I grabbed the camera phone, pushing it down my bra.

With a tug of my hair I'm bound to a chair. I was thankful though that my auntie was just sat on a chair. The two men faced us. Demanding for the phone. I stayed silent and for that they ripped Mar-Mar's cardigan and punched her in the face. "Where is IT!" Once again I stayed silent, sharing a side glance to Mar-Mar. The head agent faces me looking deeply into my eyes. Don't move your eyes. Please don't move your eyes. Luckily he looked no further and punched me in the face. Twice.

Hearing the front door open. The other man walks behind us aiming a pistol with an over compensatory silencer attached to it, towards my aunt. I felt my nose treacle with liquid. The flat's door swings open and in comes Sherlock with hands clasped behind his back. "Oh Sherlock, Sherlock!"

"Don't snivel, Mrs Hudson. It'll do nothing to impede the flight of a bullet." He spares a moment to glance at the agent on the floor clutching his leg. "What a tender world that would be." He smiled a smile that didn't reach his eyes. "I believe you have something we want, Mr Holmes." Mar-Mar was muffling in cries. "Then why don't you ask for it?" He questioned. He walks closer to us and Mar-Mar flails her hands towards his, whimpering. "Ive been asking this one. She doesn't seem to know anything and her." Now pointing the pistol at me. I eye rolled whilst the gun was digging into the skin at the back of my head. "I shot Exhibit A." That earned me a backhander. Sherlock eyed the agent before he brushed his knuckles on my cheek. I flinched when he reached my eye. His brows furrowed. "But you know what I'm asking for, don't you, Mr Holmes?" Sherlock looks back at Mar-Mar, to and from her and the agent before peering in a little more through context. Mind Palace. "I believe I do."

"Oh please, Sherlock."

"First, get rid of your boys." Sherlock directed to him. "Or shall I say boy."


"I dislike being outnumbered. It makes for to much stupid in the room."

"Go to the car and take him with you." Pointing to Exhibit A. Lol. "Then get in the car and drive away. Don't try and trick me. You know who I am. It doesn't work." The two men leave the room, or basically limped to anyways. "Next, you can stop pointing the gun at me." He demanded. "So you can point a gun at me?" The agent counter acted. Sherlock stepped back, spreading his arms before replying : "I'm unarmed."

"Mind if I check?"

"Oh, I insist." He growled. Patting his chest, flipping his pockets he then moves around Sherlock. Sherlock rolls his eyes dramatically at us. Bending his arm towards himself he whips out a spray can, twisting around, spraying it in the agents eyes. The agent screams. Sherlock tears back before savagely head butting him in the face. "Moron." Slamming the can on the table he approaches us.

"Oh, thank you." Mar-Mar stated, tearfully. "You're alright now. You're alright." He then shuffles to me. Ripping my bounds away I got up and gently wiped my nose. Yeah definitely nose bleed. Sniffing slightly I fluttered my eyes. "You alright?" He asked. I crashed into him, wrapping my arms around his neck and locking my legs around his torso I bury my head into his side. Sherlock holds me comfortably.

Sometime later myself, my aunt and Sherlock are sat down. I was sat on Sherlock's lap with my face still buried into his side. Sherlock had a gun pointed at a tied up agent. "What's going on?" John came bounding through the door. John looks towards the agent noticing his broken nose. "What the hell has gone on?"

"Mrs Hudson and Michelle have been attacked by an American. I'm restoring balance to the universe." He gestured on. John came rushing to us and Mar-Mar bursts in tears again. "Oh, I'm just being silly." She mumbled through her hands. "No, no your not." John took her of me trying to calm her down again. "Downstairs. Take the girls downstairs and look after them."

"Alright. I'll check their injuries. Are you going to tell me what's going on? Is Michelle alright?"

"I expect so. Now go." John helped Mar-Mar down the stairs. Sitting up I wipe my eyes. Sherlock smiles before pressing a chaste kiss to the side of my head.

John stands by the sink, carefully dabbing the cut on my aunts cheek before turning to me. "Here let me." I sighed inwardly placing the cotton pad on the table. Tilting my head up he wipes away the excess blood from my nose. "Afraid to say you've got a black eye and a bloody nose." Finishing of with his routine.

Moments later a shape falls past the window crashing onto the bins. "Oh. That's right in my bins." A pair of footsteps run down the stairs out the back door. A couple of seconds later, the door slams open again, Sherlock stamps up the stairs dragging the agent in tow...

The sun had set and as Sherlock states: 'the least irritating officers' and an ambulance were in the middle of the street. It seemed Lestrade thought of himself as the least irritating officer. I smiled at the thought. "And exactly how many times did he fall out the window?"

"It's a bit of a blur, Detective Inspector. I lost count." He responded nonchalantly. Not bothering to press further Lestrade walks out of Mar-Mar's flat. "She'll have to sleep upstairs in our flat tonight. We need to look after her. Them both." John empathised. "Of course, but she's fine."

Sherlock peers into the fridge grabbing a mince pie. "She's got to take some time away from Baker Street. She can go and stay with her other sister. Doctor's orders."

"Don't be absurd."

"She's in shock. They both are. Hell I've never even seen Michelle act like this before. For Gods sake, all over some bloody stupid camera phone. Where is it anyway?" John asked on. Sherlock looked at me. "Safest place I know." He responded, not a beat out of sync. I retrieved the phone from my bra. "You left it in your second best dressing gown, you tit. I grabbed it before one of them yanked me up by my hair." Pressing the phone softly in his hands Sherlock moved on. "Shame on you, John Watson."

"Shame on me?"

"Mrs Hudson and Michelle leave Baker Street." He puts an arm around the shoulders of an sitting down Mar-Mar and slings an arm loosely around my waist. "England would fall."

"You forget Sherlock, Michelle has moved out." Sherlock looked at John then me. He then shuffles so my head rests on his chest. An arm snakes around my waist and a hand cradled to my head he whispers: "Not for long." With that he pressed a kiss to my temple.

I gulp down a moan.

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