The Final Problem- Nine

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Chapter Nine

Third POV

Outside the governor's office, two yellow jumpsuited auxiliaries are marching John away, holding his arms. John kicks out at the ankle of the man to his right and as he cries out in pain and lets go of his arm, John turns to the other man and headbutts him.

Mycroft starts to struggle against his own captors, John races for the nearby stairs up to the glass Control Room. A male American accented voice calls loudly from the speaker system:

- - Red alert! Red alert! Big bad bouncy red alert! - -

"Doctor Watson!" The governor calls out.

- - Klingons attacking lower decks! Also, cowboys in black hats, and Darth Vader! - -

While John continues rapidly up the stairs, Mycroft stops struggling and stares up at the nearest speaker as it becomes obvious to him who the voice belongs to.

It's the voice of James Moriarty:

- - Don't be alarmed! I'm here now! I'm here now! - -

John slows down on the landing outside the glass room and points warningly to someone offscreen in front of him.

- - Did you miss me? Did you miss me? - -

In the glass room, while the technician slowly backs away from John, the screens are showing a heavy flow of water pouring down them but then they clear to each reveal Jim staring into the camera:

- - Miss me? Miss me? Miss me? Miss me? Miss me? Miss me? - -

As John stops and stares at the screens in disbelief, behind him lift doors open and two guards quietly hurry out.

While Jim continues to repeat his refrain, one of them turns his rifle sideways and strikes John firmly in the back of the head with the butt. John's eyes glaze and he falls, Jim's repeated 'Miss me?' chant echoing as he goes.

The instrumental opening to Queen's song: 'I Want To Break Free' plays as a helicopter flies towards the island and swoops up over the cliffs and the top of the building to the other side.

In his office, the governor stands near his desk and watches out of the window while the chopper heads out over the sea and then turns back towards the island again.

Not long afterwards, as the lyrics to the song begin, the helicopter has landed on the beach. Jim Moriarty, suited and booted, wearing sunglasses and with his hair slicked back, climbs out of the back door with white earbuds in his ears.

He stands on the side runners for a moment, looking towards the cliffs, then steps down onto the sand and takes a couple of steps forward before whirling his arms and rolling his hips and then spreading his arms wide either side of him with his head thrown back.

In his own imagination, a large crowd roars its approval and applauds. He lowers one arm and raises the other to the skies, looking upwards while two black-suited goons wearing earpieces walk to stand either side of him. Jim lowers his arm and jumps round to face the helicopter before raising his arm and head skywards again.

Again the invisible crowd roars and whistles approvingly. He changes arms, pointing the other one upwards, then lowers it and turns around again, standing there for a moment before raising his hands and pulling the earbuds from his ears.

The music stops and the helicopter's rotors can be heard whirling behind him. Several yards in front of him stand the governor and three armed beanie-hatted guards.

Jim tucks his earphones into his inside jacket pocket and then strolls forwards, his goons following. He stops a few feet away from the governor; his bodyguards halt one pace in front of him with their shoulders slightly overlapping his. "Mr Moriarty."

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