His Last Vow- Nine

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Chapter Nine

My head screamed at me...

Whilst my heart squeezed unsettlingly inside of me...

I ran...

I ran because as far as anyone was concerned my life depended on it...

My life depended on him...


Busting the doors to the hospital open, I dodged some people, blatantly pushed over other people and screamed profanities to my full extent.

If he dies, right here, right now then I'm the worst person to of ever lived.

Please, I beg of you... Live.

For me...

For us...

For yourself at least...

Give yourself a chance...

"Michelle."  I crashed into John. "Where is he?!"  I gripped on to his shoulders, shaking him slightly. Following his gaze, I turn to see a nurse. "Dr Watson? Lady Phillips?" Oh no! "I'm sorry to inform you but..."

"WAIT!" Another nurse comes crashing through the corridor. "He's not dead, he's alive." The male nurse then faces us. "Dr Watson, Lady Phillips, Mr Holmes flatlined a few minutes ago but it's fortunate to say he's alive." I gasped in relief and fell to my knees releasing wracking sobs.

I was sobbing.



John started to shake me, I didn't realise but: "Michelle, your having a panic attack." I tried to speak but my cries became overpowering. John kneeled down and hugged me close, rocking us slowly...

I stayed with Sherlock that night and every other day and night there was that God sent until he woke up. John and Mary visited when they could.

Mary. I couldn't look at her in the same light. I knew and she knew that I knew. I refused to speak to her. I refused to look at her. Hell! Being in the same room was difficult. I wasn't angry, no I was disappointed. However, she wasn't my top priority right now.

"Oh, Michelle. Hi!" Janine states cheerfully. "What do you want?" I asked coldly, I really wasn't ready to put up with the bullshit spoon fed by the hand of my lover she had previously given. "Look, I just want to apologise. It was out of line what i said but in my defence: I didn't know." Sighing heavily I replied: "I know, I'm sorry too." There was a silence between us before she enclosed me into a hug. "How are you? John mentioned that you've been here all week? Literally on a war-path!" I smile fondly. "You're the first person to ask how I am..." I rest my chin on her shoulder. "I'm not bad but I'm not good... But I suppose it is what it is." Releasing each other I turn to look at her properly. "So, you're a rich woman now." She giggles. "Indeed so. Listen, I was wondering, I mean, if your up for it, fancy grabbing coffee sometime?" She asked nervously. "Sure." I smile gracefully towards her before we part ways.

Stepping into the hospital, I puff out my chest slightly with my head held high as I walk to Sherlock's room. Taking a seat near the distant bed I stare at him. He was either asleep or in his mind palace. My man was tubed up. My man... No one else's! Rocking on the balls of my feet, I hold my head in my hands, staring at the floor, watching fresh tears drop towards defying gravity.

I honestly wouldn't know what my life would of been like if I hadn't met Sherlock. This situation felt worse than being two years apart. If I thought I felt a crushing in my heart back then, what is it now? I fret just by the singled out idea of being apart from Sherlock. My heart races when he's close by. He's like a drug to me. A drug that I'd never get use to. Immune to. Sentiment may be a distraction but he's my sentimental exception to the wonders of the world. There's said to be seven wonders of this world. From the Greeks to the Egyptians however, he, that man lying in that bed, he's the eighth wonder to this world. To my world.

"Why are you crying?" Snapping my head up, I look to Sherlock, whose looking to me anxiously confused. Wiping my eyes on the end of my sleeves, I pull the chair closer to him and grasp at his hand. "I'm crying over a lot of things. I'm crying because I'm overwhelmed. I'm crying because I've been overthinking about the 'what if's'. Above all though, I'm crying because I..." My voice became chocked up. I carefully circle my thumbs around his hand whilst clearing my throat. "I thought you died and that broke me, because if you did, I wouldn't be able to live with myself. Wouldn't be able live with the fact that I didn't get to tell you 'I love you' one last time. I didn't get to resolve this petty issue you dropped me for over Janine."

His hand slowly manoeuvres to intertwine with mine. Taking a deep breath I continue: "I don't think you realise Sherlock, I may not be a girl who wears dresses neither am I a girl that hangs out with many friends. I am a girl, who from our first encounter, fell head over heels for you and has been falling deeper into that pit ever since. I've given you my battered and bruised heart completely so the least you can do is not die on me." I scold lightly. "Please, next time, please just tell me? Tell me before you go do something crazy? I physically can't do this." I gesture to the room. "I've been losing my mind."

"I know." There was spaced out silence between us for a few moments before he spoke again: "I'm sorry, I... I just wanted to keep you safe." I smile lightly. "I'm only ever safe if I'm beside you." I replied. "I've learned."

"Don't think that I'm still not mad at you though. You're still a fucking idiot. Why tell Janine I cheated on you?" He shrugs slightly before grimacing in pain. "First thing that came to mind I suppose."

"You're still a fucking idiot." I determine. I look towards his medicine meters. Standing up, Sherlock's quick to pull me to him, with what strength he had. "Sherlock, your still not well."

"Please?" Rolling my eyes, I carefully straddle his waist before gently laying on his chest. "Better, your highness?" I mock humorously. He's swift to wrap his arms around me. "Much." He snuggles me to him whilst I find comfort in his heartbeat. "I love you, you stupid, incredible man." I mumble into his chest. "I love you too, my darling girl."

Okay so writing this made me cry a little. I would like your thoughts on this chapter, if your willing to do so.

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