His Last Vow- Sixteen

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Here's to a emotional overload...

(Raises glass)

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Chapter Sixteen

We land on the grass not far from the house. Security men walk towards the helicopter while another stands on the patio outside the house. We get out and are escorted towards the house whilst the helicopter takes off and flies away. I automatically clasp onto Sherlock free hand, squeezing the life out of it.

Shortly afterwards a security man leads us through an inside area which is lined with large green exotic plants, while another man follows behind. Sherlock, John and I walk out of an elevator and into the room. Sherlock stops a couple of paces in front of the sofa while John stands a little way behind and to one side of him, I do the same, being the same width and length from Sherlock and John. Magnussen nods to his men and they turn and leave. "I would offer you a drink but it's very rare and expensive."

He drinks. Sherlock turns and sits down on the sofa a couple of feet to Magnussen's right. He sighs with a contented sound and slaps his hands down on the white leather either side of him, putting the laptop down between himself and Magnussen, then crosses his legs and clasps his hands in his lap. He looks across to the other side of the room. "Oh. It was you."

"Yes, of course." John and I look to each other before turning around watching the footage of Sherlock's rescue of John and I's bonfire. "Very hard to find a pressure point on you, Mr Holmes. Or it was." Sherlock hums. I look back to them whilst John walks towards the footage. "The drugs thing I never believed for a moment. Anyway, you wouldn't care if it was exposed, would you?" Quirking his mouth, Sherlock shrugs. "But look how you care about John Watson and your damsel in distress."

You... Put us in a fire... For leverage?" John begins to walk forward towards Magnussen, but I grip onto his arm. "Oh, I'd never let you burn, Doctor Watson. I had people standing by for the both of you." Sherlock looks up thoughtfully at Magnussen as he stands. "I'm not a murderer... Unlike your wife." John stares up at him grimly. "And I'm not a spare piece like Miss Phillips." He snidely adds. I clench my jaw. He holds my gaze for a while, then glances across to Sherlock.

"Let me explain how leverage works, Doctor Watson." Reaching the wall, he puts one finger on it at the side of the projected footage. There's a beep and as Magnussen slides his finger across the glass, the footage slides with it and disappears off to the side. "For those who understand these things, Mycroft Holmes is the most powerful man in the country. Well... Apart from me." John tilts his head at him questioningly. The side of Sherlock's mouth lifts in a small smile. "Mycroft's pressure point is his junkie detective brother, Sherlock. Sherlock's pressure point is his best friend, John Watson and Michelle Phillips. John Watson's pressure point is his wife. I own John Watson's wife... Michelle's pressure point is the Holmes family therefore I own Mycroft."

Taking a seat, he looks to the laptop. "He's what I'm getting for Christmas" Without looking round, Sherlock shoves the laptop across the sofa towards him. "It's an exchange, not a gift." Magnussen raises his eyebrows whilst Sherlock walks a few paces forward, then turns round again. "Forgive me, but... I already seem to have it."

"It's password protected." I established. "In return for the password, you will give me any material in your possession pertaining to the woman we know as Mary Watson."

"Oh, she's bad, that one. So many dead people. You should see what I've seen." He directs to John. "I don't need to see it."

"You might enjoy it, though." Magnussen tempts. John swallows but holds his gaze. "I enjoy it."

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