A Scandal In Belgravia- Four

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Chapter Four

"That was a warning shot. Hands behind your head, on the floor, keep it still" A man kicked the door open, shuffling through with John and a handgun. "Sorry, guys." John was forced to his knees, Sherlock and I raised our arms. Not too soon after I was forced against my will to my knees. "Miss Adler on the floor!"

"Do you want me on the floor, too?" Sherlock was still standing in front of the safe, untouched. "No, sir, I want you to open the safe!"

"Interesting. Why would you care?" I asked, glancing at Irene. "Sir, the safe. Now!" He pressed a gun to Sherlock. "I don't know the code, if you had waited Michelle would of opened the safe."

"We've been listening, she said she told you." The American stated, stepping closer the sociapath. "Well, if you've been listening, you'll know she didn't. Michelle knows it."

"I'm assuming I've missed something, from your reputation I'm assuming you didn't. Mr Holmes." He turned his gun towards Adler, who remained silent. "For God's sake, she's the one who knows the code, ask her." John stated. "Yes, sir. She also knows the code that automatically calls the police and sets of the burglar alarm. I've learned not to trust this woman." He explained. "Mr Holmes doesn't know.."

"Shut up! One more word out of you, just one, and I will decorate that wall with the insides of your head." He threatened. "That, for me, will not be a hardship. Stand her up!" Pointing the gun at me, I stood. "Arthur, on the count of three, shoot Miss Phillips." I huffed, unpleasantly. "What?" John began to panic. "John, it's fine."


"I don't know the code." Sherlock spit fired. "Two."

"She didn't tell me!" He insisted. "I don't know it!"

"I'm prepared to believe you, any second now. Three."

"No! Stop!" Sherlock shouted. Sherlock glanced at me and I looked down. He turned towards the safe and typed: 322434. It beeped. "Thank you. Mr Holmes. Now open it."

"Vatican Cameos!" He yelled, pulling it open he ducked. The gun in the safe shot the first body it came into contact with. I body rolled, whipping guns out my blazer, firing them at the Americans. Hitting the final man with the butt of my gun he fell unconscious. "Thank you. You were very observant." Irene smiled at Sherlock. "Observant?" John was baffled. "I'm flattered." She spoke. "Don't be, you and Michelle are the same." Sherlock answered. "Flattered?" John quizzed. "They'll be more of them, they'll be keeping an eye on the building."

"We should call the police." John responded. I walked out the room onto the street and fired five time into the air. I was bubbling with jealousy and I didn't know why. How I would love to rip Irene's head off! "They're on their way." I turned back to the door. "Check the rest of the house. See how they got in." Irene stood in front of her safe, eyes pancaking. "Well, that's the knighthood in the bag." Sherlock tossed the phone in the air before pocketing it. "And that's mine." Irene held out her hand. "All photographs are on here I presume?"

"Well, I have copies, of course."

"No you don't. That's not in the contract of the dominatrix. You'll have permanently disabled any sort of uplink or connection. Unless the contacts of that phone are provably unique, you wouldn't be able to sell them." I countered. Irene stared at me confused before shaking it off. "Who said I'm selling?"

"Who would be interested?" I rhetorically asked. "It's more than just photographs." Sherlock stated. "That camera phone is my life. I'd die before I'd let you take it. It's my protection."

"Sherlock! Michelle!" John's voice echoed the room. "It was." Sherlock and I turned on our heels, going up the stairs, into the bedroom. Kate was on the ground. "Must have come in this way." John concluded. "It's alright, she's just out cold."

"Well, God knows she's used to that. There's a back door. Better check it Dr Watson."

"You're very calm, you booby trap did just kill a man."

"He would have killed me, it was self defence in advance." She countered. "Give me the phone, Mr Holmes."  He stayed unmoving. In one swift motion I felt a pinch in my neck. Ripping the needle out, I started to double over. Irene backhanded me across the face, kicking me whilst I was down. Dick move really. My muscles began working against me. I heard a echo of ringing in my ear but my vision was blurry. "This is how I want you to remember me, the woman who beat you..."

I woke up in a cold sweat, disorientated and bruised up pretty well from my neck. I fell onto the floor with a loud thump. Someone came knocking on my door. "Michelle? Are you alright?" John asked. "Yeah, just give me a minute." Finally getting some balance I made it to the kitchen. "The photographs are perfectly safe." I heard Sherlock say. I leaned onto the wall, before almost falling limp again. John caught me. "Hey, Michelle I've got you."

"In the hands of a fugitive sex worker." John picked me up and brought me to the sofa. My hands were shaking uncontrollably. "Jesus Michelle, what did she give you? Sleeping it of should of helped." Sherlock and Mycroft then lead their attention to me. "It seems she may of given Michelle a stronger dose compared to Sherlock." Mycroft stated. I tried to move but winced. "Okay, Michelle I need to check your neck..." John pulled my shirt down a little. "Seems fine. Just don't move around to much." A orgasmic sigh rang through the room. "What the fuck was that?" I boom. My emotions were everywhere. "A text." Sherlock replied nonchalantly. "But what was that noise?" John questioned furthermore.

"Did you know there were other people after her too, Mycroft? Before you sent us in there? CIA-trained killers."

"Yeah, thanks for that Mycroft."

"It's a disgrace, sending not only your little brother into danger but also my niece. Family is all we have in the end, Mycroft Holmes." Mar-Mar scolded. "Oh, do shut up, Mrs Hudson."

"APOLIGISE NOW!" The three of us shouted at the same time. Mycroft glanced at me, saddened. "Apologies."

"Thank you."

"Though do, in fact, shut up."

"Sherlock, I swear to god I will smack you." I stated before another 'text' was delivered. I eyerolled and gagged. "There's nothing you can do and nothing she will do as far as I can see."

"I can put maximum surveillance on her." I was at my wits end. "Oh why bother? You can follow her on Twitter. 'TheWhipHand' I believe."

"Yes. Most amusing. Excuse me." Mycroft took a call outside the room. "Michelle, are you alright?" John asked, trying to be delicate. "Just dandy." I spit. I wobbled towards my room and got changed. Walking out I passed Mycroft who looked at me sympathetically. Who knew he was a softy at heart. "I'm sorry for earlier." I apologise. He delicately holds my hand giving it a gentle squeeze.

I walked downstairs to Mar-Mar's flat. "Michelle, what's the matter dear?" She sat on the sofa with me. "Mar-Mar I can't stay here during this case, it's making me angry and I don't know why. I'm so confused." It was if I was a young child again with the way I was acting but it was true. I was bursting with venom. "I think I'm jealous." I mumbled. I had my hands over my eyes. "I'm sorry." I sobbed a little. "What for?"

"For being weak, for showing emotion."

"Your only human, muffin. That's what we all are in the end. Human."

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