His Last Vow- Two

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Chapter Two

I woke up feeling frustrated, devastated and heartbroken.

I've been feeling like this since it happened.

Everything was going wonderfully well with Sherlock and I after the wedding... Until it wasn't. He wanted to break up. I stated if there was a true meaning behind why and if so we could work it out. He shut me down completely saying he was bored. I moved out, taking Bones with me. I moved back into the place I was at during 'A Scandal In Belgravia'.

Not going to lie, it hurt. It still hurts. I couldn't understand why Sherlock suddenly wanted to break up, but I crashed drastically.

My mental health dropped.

My emotional health jumped of the tallest tower.

And as for my physical being... Well that wasn't in great shape either.

Picking my phone up I answer the call. "Hey Johnny."

"Michelle, I need you and your motorbike round mine ASAP. It's Isaac, Kates son. He didn't come home last night."

"Give me ten minutes, I'll be with you." Cutting the call I get ready. Grabbing a random T-shirt and pulling my jeans on, I run through the house, tying my trainers before brushing my hair into a pony before grabbing my keys, helmet and jacket.

Shortly afterwards I arrive at the Watsons household with John running to the bike. I click my seat, pulling out another helmet. "So, you being neighbourly?"


"Since when?" I question. "Since now. Since this exact minute." I chuckle before revving my engine and speeding down the streets. "So, where we headed?" John holds out his phone showing the address...

Skidding to a stop, John jumps off "Have you got..." I click my seat open again and pull out a car tyre leaver and a motorcycle tyre leaver. "These do?" Slamming the seat shut. John nods. "In that case, let's go."

Walking to the front door, the sign stuck out saying: 'PRIVATE PROPERTY. KEEP OUT.' John wastes no time and bangs on the door. "Hello?" A young man appears wearing a jacket with the hood pulled over, looking scruffy and dirty. "What d'you want?"

"'Scuse me." We barge our way in and walk down the hall. "Naah, naah, you can't come in 'ere!" I peer into a room whilst John looks into another. "I'm looking for a friend."

"A very specific friend, we're not just browsing." I point out. John looks into another room, whilst I face the lad with arms crossed. "You've gotta go. No one's allowed 'ere."

"Isaac Whitney. You seen him?" I ask again. Taking a flick knife from his pocket he snaps the blade open and points it in the directions of John and I. "We're asking you if you've seen Isaac Whitney, and now you're showing us a knife. Is it a clue?" John asks whilst the lad gestures to the open door. "Are you doing a mime?" I ask sarcastically. "Go. Or I'll cut you."

"Ooh, not from there. Let me help." I walk closer to him whilst he stares wide eyed. "Now, concentrate. Isaac Whitney." A strain of my accent runs through. "Okay, I was taught to never hit girls but you asked for it." Before he can do anything, I seize his right arm, slamming down on it. As he cries out in pain, I wrap my hand round the front of his neck and slam him against the wall, then use my right foot to sweep his feet from beneath him. The aftermath, the lad slumps to the floor. John bends down and picks up the flick knife which has fallen to the floor. "Right. Are you concentrating yet?"

"She broke my arm!"

"No, she sprained it."

"It feels squishy! Is it supposed to feel squishy? Feel that!" John feels his arm and he groans in pain. "Yeah, it's a sprain. I'm a doctor and we know how to sprain people. Now where is Isaac Whitney?"

"I don't know!" I give him a look. "Maybe upstairs."

"There you go. Wasn't that easy?" John pats his leg and we walk towards the stairs. "No. It's really sore. She's mental, she is."

"No. Just used to a better class of criminal." I state, not looking back. "Michelle, you okay?"

"Wonderful." I answer not a sync out of beat. "Is Mary on her way?"

"I've messaged her." He mumbles. We walk to a large room at the top, several people lie on mattresses around the edge of the room. The people look stoned and unaware of what's going on in the real world. "Anyone seen Isaac Whitney?" I speak loud and clear. A few people groan, a few others turn their backs. John and I walk to one of the furthest mattresses where two people were. "Isaac?" One of them tiredly raises a hand. The young man gazes blearily up at us as we walk to his side and kneel down beside him. "Hello, mate." We support his weight whilst helping him sit up. "Doctor Watson? Michelle?"


"Where am I?" He asks me. "Well your in the arse end of the universe with the scum of the Earth." I answer. "Have you both come for me?" I smile whilst John answers: "D'you think I know a lot of people here?!" Isaac laughs hazily. "Come on bud, let's get you out of here." We begin to help him up until someone else starts rustling. "Ah, hello, John... Michelle." We raise our heads. "Didn't expect to see you here." Pushing his hood back we turn around to look at him. Sherlock squinches up his eyes and peers at us. "Did you come for me, too?"

"You've got to be fucking joking." John looks to Sherlock then I before looking to Sherlock again, sensing the rough idea on what's gone on.

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