Learning One Way or Another

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A/N. This is one where Joven moves in with Lasercorn, and no one except Wes knows him.

Joshua grinned as he carried the last box into David's house. "Honey, I'm home!" He jokingly yelled.

David laughed as he walked out to the living room. "That you are. I'm so glad you agreed to move in with me. It's been lonely since Eric moved out."

Joshua grinned. "I don't have much going on in my life, so I thought, why not move in with this perfect man."

"Aww, babe, you flatter me."

David walked over to Joshua and carried the box into the bedroom. He walked back out, and kissed Joshua.

They broke the kiss and grinned at each other.

A few hours later, the two were sitting on the couch, watching some random science show, when Joshua leaned over and kissed David.

The kiss quickly grew heated and the both ended up with no shirt. Joshua had his glasses off, and David's pants were unzipped. A knock on the door interrupted them, and David whispered, "We'll finish this later." David turned to the door and yelled, "One second!"

They quickly put their shirts on, and David answered the door. "Oh, hey Mari!"

Mari smiled slightly. "So, who else is in there?"

David blushed and asked, "How did you know?"

"Uh, your shirt is backwards, your pants are unzipped, and you have sex hair."

Before David could respond, Joshua yelled from further inside the house. "Babe, what did you do with my glasses?"

"Uh, I put them on the coffee table."

"Thanks, I found them." Joshua walked over to the door. "Oh, hi!" He said grinning at Mari.

Mari smiled. "Hi, I'm Mari."

Joshua shook her hand. "Joshua."

David rolled his eyes. "Come on in, Mari."

Mari stepped inside, and looked around. "So David, are you moving or something?" She asked, taking notice of the various boxes around the room.

"Nope! Joshua just moved in."

Mari smiled. "How long have you two been together?"

The two men smiled. "A year and a half at the end of the month." Joshua answered.

Mari smiled at them. "Anyway, David, Anthony is bringing the pizza today. Matt got the stomach bug. It's pretty bad."

Joshua glanced over at David confused. David said, "I forgot to tell you, every Friday, 7 of us hang out at one of our places. It usually ends up being here, since my, well our house now, fits everyone best."

Mari smiled at them. "So, how'd you two meet?"

Joshua and David looked at each other and laughed. Joshua grinned at Mari and started saying, "It all started on a late Saturday night in a bar..."

Anthony and Ian walked up to David's door, both carrying food. A few seconds later, David opened the door. "Hey guys! Come on in!"

Anthony and Ian walked in and went over to the kitchen to put down the food. When Ian looked up, he noticed Mari talking to someone he didn't recognize. David was in the kitchen getting a drink, so Ian asked, "Hey, Dave, who's the guy talking to Mari?"

David glanced up. "Oh, that's Joshua. He's my boyfriend."

Ian nodded. "Oh. Wait. You have a boyfriend? You've never mentioned that."

David shrugged taking a sip of his beer. "It's never come up."

Ian looked at him and asked, "How long have you two been together?"

"A year and a half at the end of the month."

"Anthony, did you know David has a boyfriend?"

Anthony thought for a second. "It's news to me." He responded.

David rolled his eyes and repeated to Anthony, "A year and a half at the end of the month. That's Joshua. He just finished moving in this morning."

"Well, congratulations dude!" Anthony exclaimed.

David smiled. "Thanks, man."

Ian had since walked over to introduce himself to Joshua.

Someone knocked on the door. David opened it, and it was Wes and Amra. "Hey guys. Come in!"

Amra rolled his eyes. "Well thanks! We were thinking of just staying out here though."

David rolled his eyes. "You're a sarcastic asshole. You know that right?"

Amra grinned. "I've been told."

Wes looked around. Almost immediately his eyes widened. "Joshua?"

Joshua glanced up. "Wait, Wes?"

Wes smiled. "It's been too long."

David looked up. "How do you two know each other?"

Joshua smiled. "We were friends back in college."

Wes grinned. "So Joshua, how'd you end up mixed with us nerds?"

Joshua smirked. "I started dating this loser." He said pointing to David.

"Really? When?" Amra asked.

David groaned. "I am not drunk enough for this." He walked towards the kitchen, presumably for another beer.

Joshua laughed. "That's not what you said the first time we met!"

David groaned again as everyone else laughed.

A few hours later, everyone had left and Joshua and David were alone in their house.

Joshua went over to David and whispered, "Wanna finish what we started?"

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