VOLUME 2 Chapter 7

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After some walking with a sleepy Bahamut, he sees some players talking to one another next to a flatbed trailer. He approaches them asking for a driver that needs another person. After saluting, one of the players steps up.

"Sergeant Steve Grahame from the 9th Logistics Platoon, I'm currently waiting for one of the truckers to return and tag team with me. Mate's been far too gone with the booze, all up about not being able to reach a wedding."

"Okay, I'll take his place. Take me to your truck."

Steve salutes and takes him to his road train parked next to the road outside the parking lot, the olive coloured truck with its massive bullbar and the three trailers behind looked menacing as it stood on the open Sun.

"Dang, the MAN HX Fourty Fives? Didn't we only take five of these from the Fourth Reich Guild?"

"Righto. She's number two actually, ole Eight by Four. She should be good already but can't be too sure, road train signs are all up in the front and back. Just tyre check 'er and we'll be right up and gone."

"What's inside these container vans?"

"Mostly five five six and seven sixty two's. The second trailer has parts for the tanks, the third one are mostly kevlar plates and loaded stanag mags in crates sir."

"I see, so we're very explosive then."

"Yes sir, totalling up to ninety eight tons total."

"Are we all fueled up?"

"Yes sir, just gotta perform a pre-trip the ole gal. Prime movers like these need a bit of extra attention."

"Alright, you take the right side, I'll take the left. I also have a Dragon friend here with me, hope you don't mind her."

Steve enters the truck and starts it up, its diesel engine roars into life and the cab tumbles a bit as the fuel starts running into the engine, sparking power into it. He then turns on the hazard and the lights and the two start running their pre-trip. The Sergeant preps his documents for the time and men on board inside the cab.

Paul with Bahamut checks the left side of the road train, lightly kicking the tires of the 53.5 meter long combination. He pulls on the railings and spare tires underneath the flatbed, seeing if they're properly secured, as he walks to the second trailer, he approaches the Ringfeder Hitch and see's if the dolly's drawbar was properly locked. After reaching the back, he looks at the lights on the left side and sees that it's all working.

After doing his run, he hops into the right side of the cab and Steve who was on the Left side, in the driver's seat hops out to do his run. After finishing, he puts the truck into gear and it starts rolling through the road. The ride was smooth till they reached the outskirts where the roads turned into a dirt path. The three trailers behind could be seen rocking about as the truck pulls them through roads meant for carriages and horses.

"Jesus fuck! These things are all metal! It feels just like the Humvees! Argh... my back!"

Bahamut on the other hand was having a cozy sleep on the truck's dash. The noisy engine drowns out the sound of the forest and the wheels turning crush the soil below as the heavy 8X4 plows its way through the forest. Steve's driving was excellent, he knew what to do and when it's the right time to shift and turn the massive truck to avoid getting it damaged or stuck. It was after a good three hours of nonstop driving did he start slowing down as he approached a checkpoint by Eldwood and Meilurious. The steady fifty miles per hour speed starts dripping down to a mere 5 miles and the vehicle comes to a halt.

One of the soldiers of Eldwood approaches the truck through the driver's side.

"Yo Steve, who are you with?"

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