VOLUME 5 Chapter 3

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After dodging some Wagons and Carriages, and annoyingly brushing past some people wearing Regency and Victorian era trousers and cravats. These extremely poshed people looked at him with disgust as if he was a dirty person even though his hair was well combed and smelled nice. Finally reaching the entrance, there he sees the two Vampires talking to the lady in the main desk. His head was buried on the glass window, scaring the elegant people inside. Fired up, he goes in. The guards try to stop him, but he eyes them once, making them back off as they sense that he was a Warrior way above them.

Approaching the main desk, he could hear Beethoven playing and could only facepalm at the entire situation.

"Exactly what language is this form written in?"

"We only have British English, American English, German, and French."

Baffled, Alana looks at Elizabeth who also shrugs, not knowing the languages. Paul then butts in, cutting between the two with an intimidating look. He tries his best to come up with a smile and talks to the polite Reception Lady.

"I apologize for these two, we'll be on our way." but in protest, Elizabeth blocks his way out.

"Miss Bartley, let us go."



"We've been traveling for weeks now. Can't we at least go and try to have a vacation?"

"Wha... What is this, a job? C'mon, we have nothing to do here."

"No. I'm not letting up."

Seeing the determination in her face and also being reminded of how powerful she is. Paul turns around and with his arms crossed, leans into the counter.

"Question, do you allow people from this land to enter this magnificent player built city?"

"Yes, many Kings and Queens together with their Nobles have actually visited our country already."

"Wait... you're an established country? The Guild of Regens has gotten an actual constitution and a properly working Government with taxation and land?!" Unbeknownst to him, he leaned in even closer to the cute lady with glasses.


"Wait one minute."

The line was getting more anxious, though they were sitting down, they couldn't help but be annoyed by the man in peasant clothing. The trio's outfit stood out, one in a villager girl's clothes and another in a Vampire outfit that's visibly inspired by modern films, and not a hint of elegance or manners at all. Bahamut on the other hand was trying not to laugh at their situation. He then makes a snappy turn and heads back to the Receptionist.

"I'd like you to look for a.... A fuck. SirLordFarquadofButtstock. It should be dated in Twenty Thirty Five, July Eight. Level One Hundred Twenty. I was with three other people. One was named LatinSpanishFury-Four-Twenty, and another was... CriesofFreedomMILFH-Sixty-Nine... you... you get the idea."

"Wait one sec." She stood up, going behind the Reception area and to a storage room. Paul stood there, visibly humiliated with his face drenched in sweat. The two Vampires on the other hand are trying not to laugh while Bahamut is smelling the carpet of the fine establishment and eyeing the jewelry the high level people there were wearing, scarring some of the Noblewomen who have never seen a Dragon in their entire life. After a minute, the lady comes back with a page.

"Yes, we do have you in our records. But it seems that you've been kicked out due to Vagrancy, Public Disturbance and Assault."


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