VOLUME 8 Chapter 4

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Walking through the snow filled streets. The duo finds a small bar near the mainstreet. Still in her Winter Kimono, Elizabeth starts chugging down on Sake like it was water while the General looks around as if he is doing algebra through his head.

"Jesus... Just how much do you drink? I've never seen anyone treat alcohol like that before. Not even the Countess." he looks at himself, his hand holding the cup knowing he's in uncharted territory. "Oh God, I didn't take this into consideration! John! I need your advice! If I get drunk, it's over!"

"I'm more of a red wine woman but this is also pretty good. Rice wine huh..."

"Ugh, I don't know..."

"Just try it My Lord."

"If my personality shifts because of this, you better take responsibility."

He takes a sip of it. After coughing a bit, he inhales and drinks the entire cup of Sake.

"Wait! My Lord!"

And with that, the well dressed General starts swinging. His face flushed and his eyes wandered around as if it got unlocked and is now just swirling about without any control.

"Oh fhack... das noht gud."

"Oh my, oh my. You shouldn't have done that. Thou must one first build tolerance, now look at what you've done."

"Wha? Friggin thing. Thooo... iz gud. I dun think tiz will..."

He then blinks. "More!" The man on the counter looks at him with a smile and offers him some more. Inside his head all he could hear was the voice inside him telling him "Well, we failed. Better luck next time I guess." Elizabeth, who still isn't that well versed in Japanese, couldn't do anything as the other patrons in the bar started cheering the General on to drink some more. Some were screaming "Banzai!" and calling him a Shogun. Soon, Paul was hammered beyond relief and the Queen was unable to do anything but watch in curiosity.

"BWEH! Ahhh... Ya kno... Elizabeth.. How come... yu share the same name with zat stupid facking Sword Saint... bleh."

"Elizabeth is a known name meaning God is my Oath... I was a Priestess remember? It really fits me."

"Bhut how come you have such a facking body? Do religions know that shizz would make me sin like a facking demon?"

"My body?"

"Yeh, what the heck is up with zat? So facking hot and sexy."

He starts drinking more.

"You kno... I've been traumatized so much by the women I meet in ze corporate world... pretty but bitches wanted my moneh... and they'd make up lies and all this shit with how I am gay or fucking BLEH!" he vomits a bit, the fast Bar owner managed to catch it with a paperbag and the Queen bowed in great shame. "Liek... facking bitches... how can I trust women after all the shizz they put me through..."

"My-my Lord. Why not have some milk?"

"NO! I wannah drink. I neva felt thiz stupid in mah life. Facking bodganoffs gonna sink my company and make me broke. Fhack! I cahn't even bed a vampireh! Sheit!"

The Queen then takes a bottle of milk. But the General dodges her hand, using a bit of her Vampiric powers. The General still resisted and kept talking.

"And you kno... as hot as Bahamut's human form lookz. Seh lookz like a facking white lady. Straight bangs and all that, might az well put her in Corpse Party as a boss. BWAHAHAH!"

Right after laughing, his head drops at the wooden counter. With him, groaning and wailing. Turning his head to the right to face the Queen, a red spot could be seen on his forehead from how hard he hit the counter. He was now sniffing and tears could be seen in his eyes.

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