VOLUME 14 Chapter 4

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Walking into the Courtyard, all the thousand students of the school were lined up neatly in formation and under a terrace, standing in formation were two men. They seemed like hardened warriors as they stood stoic and frozen. With the two joining them, they didn't even turn to look as they watched their Disciples stand in the sea of affluent students.

Soon, the headmaster starts his speech. "Students of Saint Bernthal, please let us begin the morning inspection and prayer." They stood tall and with class, with each section divided between Men and Women. The professors then began their walk. Jackson was reminded of his days in the military as they stood so still that even he was impressed by their control and their ability to know by feeling whether they were in line or not.

Even under the coming heat season, they still wore their silk and woolen uniforms with sleeves and capes. Some even bare gold chains to hold it with their jackets. Walking along the side, the Knight could detect the stares of the men as the Captain walked so elegantly behind him. "You are doing this on purpose aren't you?" The blonde ponytailed girl just rested her left hand on his shoulder and gave him a pretentious smile. "What? Gotta motivate the young ones. Look at how hard they have it." he facepalms as even though her armor still accentuates her feminine figure and the heels on her sabaton gave her a seductive appeal.

He couldn't even feel a tinge of lust except for when she'd look at him. Through the layers of armor she had, there was just so much on the way and the cape behind her hid her rear. Which made him curious of how the young man was able to get aroused by her sight. "What? You aren't into women in armor?" This made Jackson recoil as he stopped under the shade. "Who says that? I am totally into women in armor. Many of us are." he looks up to the skies and could remember back in the Middle East.

Inside the airbase as he drank some water, just getting off the cargo plane. There was an artist in pilot overalls drawing an adult anime girl in full plate on the nose of one of their Su-25 Frogfoots with the text "Armor Hunter" while the F-15E next to it was getting a Vampire Gothic Loli art, the little framed woman had bat wings and a full gown and written in a victorian style lettering is "Nightstalker".

"Now that I remember it, the art of the girl was also blonde but her plate armor was more inclined with the normal metal color than yours, since you people in the Church really like polish, don't you?" She looks at her well kept outfit, not a dent or scratch could be found on the metal plates and it was all properly cleaned and cared for. "Of course. We need to stand out, though your world might be over the need to be presentable, looking at how your soldiers and skeletons are dressed. We in Threa value looks and presentation over everything." he nods as they continue walking along the sidelines.

The Male professors inspected the Lords while the Female Nuns inspected the Ladies. They'd only point at a part of a student's body and they'd silently stand, watching to see if he or she would be able to find it. Poised and stoic, they were akin to drill sergeants more than people of education. Poignant in their aura and appearance, you can't help but feel a demeaning fright as they'd pass you.

So far, only a handful failed and they immediately knew what was wrong with their uniform, be it the black cape that goes over their shoulder or their tunic and slacks having some sort of wrinkle to it. Others got their embroidered badge of the school on the cape pointed and they noticed the small itty bitty hair coming out of it.

One of the younger students was about to pull it out but the Professor lightly placed his hand on his and shrugged. The old man then opened his palm and used magic to cut it completely off, cleaning his badge. The teenager just nodded and he went on to the next line.

The Eldest ones were in the back, though they also have younger members, they all seemingly have a majority of the age while nearer to the front are the more youthful students and their in straight view of the Headmaster unlike the ones in the back whose more covered by the other classes and years.

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