VOLUME 13 Chapter 6

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Violently rustling the branches of the trees. The heavy armored eight wheeled vehicle rushes past the bushes as it takes to the main road. The rooftop infantry hatch was opened as a man in a lab coat had his wand with him. Rather than a staff, he had a silvery stick of rare metal and wood that was constantly blasting off pinpoint and direct shots of energy magic at the skies. Alongside him were two other people. An alluring blonde girl with short manly hair shooting bolts and another, a big buffed man in a red studded leather armor. Unceremoniously hip firing a light machine gun. The belt coming into its feed thrashing out the used casings on the side of the road as screams to faster were being thrown back and forth.

High above them, with the afternoon star bringing the crimson membrane of her bat wings to paint the area below with a blood red trail was a Vampire in a commoners outfit. She was buzzing in all directions as spheres made out of blood would appear to absorb the shots that'd hit her. She had a nonchalant face to her, as if not even disturbed by the flurry of attacks being shot at her. The woman was beautiful, angelic even as she spread her morbid wings to chase them down.

"They told us it was only a Duke of sorts! This bitch is on a whole other level!" screams the woman. The man next to him on the other hand drops his light machine gun and picks up a sniper rifle with engravings on its muzzle brake and barrel. With a special bullet loaded in. He aims it at the flying Vampires' general direction and pulls the trigger. With a hot discharge of fire from the brake, the bullet flew at speeds thrice that of a normal 7.62 and it swerved violently to hit her. This made the long haired blonde to swifty turn away as another came by her. "Huh. Interesting." She then turns her back on them and observes the two magical bullets coming right at her with insane speed.

"I believe My Lord also has some of these. My, how special am I that it calls for such measures?" She then opens her palm and the two bullets get covered with thick clotted blood that was burning to a fire. Her attempt only made them more lethal as they were now on a fiery path to her. This prompts her to drop down below where she flew around the countless trees in the countryside. The two bullets behind her on the other hand weren't giving up and infront of her. Pieces of bark were being thrown about like shrapnel from an explosion as the barrage of gunfire and magic was coming at her relentlessly.

In Front of the eight wheeled vehicle, the driver, the man in the black studded leather armor sees a checkpoint from the Kingdom of Gareth and a long line of carriages all filled to the brim with numerous and differing types of cargo. "HOLD ON!" The grunts on the post who had never even heard such sounds were stunned by the boxy shape vehicle with thick metal and four wheels on each side while on top were three people wielding guns, and a wand. They couldn't even process it as the heavy armor drives past them as bushes and leaves come up their faces. Followed by something sleek and golden inside the forestry.

Coming out of his tent was a Priest from the Holy See. "What in the Gods name is all this noi-" he turns around and his tent was gone, all that was left were the tire tracks of the IFV and his crushed belongings. He could only turn to the confused Checkpoint Guards as the firing was already far away.

Elizabeth, seeing that her action only made the bullets slow enough to not get to her. She instead props a grin as the Bloodsucker flies past them. The trio on the hatches were unable to fire as they reloaded all at once. "Hand me another belt Kleo!" The woman hands her a two hundred round box magazine for his M249 SAW while the man in the lab coat drinks two Mana potions in one go. She on the other hand looks down below, inside of their armored box.

With four cots that were meant for MEDEVAC of wounded troops, now personalized beds for them. She could see the magazine of Holy Bolts rattling about the interior as down below her was a small pond of used casings. Reaching in, she takes it and then could hear the jiggling sound of something heavy. Turning to her left on the bed of one of the men was an M32 Rotary Multiple Grenade Launcher. With a nod, she takes it and loads in the buffy 40mm High Explosive rounds with oddly gleaming rings around the warhead.

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