VOLUME 4 Chapter 7

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A Naval supply ship named Bulkier docked on the coast of Cape of Good Faith is peacefully getting loaded with the items the Joint Expeditionary Team found. The desert town has seen better days as its clay houses lay quietly, accumulating dust and dirt while its habitants of mixed Humans, Halfbreeds and Elves look silently at the transport trucks passing by the middle of their town.

At the Port, the Supply Ship's cranes started loading in the Artifacts and Ancient Items the expeditionary team had found. One of the Port Masters was looking through his clipboard, checking the items being delivered when a tall box with a note plastered "DO NOT OPEN!" was unloaded from a Russian Ural 4320. Looking at the papers, it has no such things listed in the manifest.

"Hey! Ruskie! What the Hell is that?"

"Don't know. The Twenty Six that bought it said that it was in the Barracks for the more Exotic artifacts."

"Fuck. Do these idiots know how many ships I have to manage?! It's so hot already. Alright, hold it here and put it-"

A woman who resembles Elizabeth approached him. He jumps, not noticing her presence at all.

"What the fuck!" Though he takes a good look at her beautiful and curvy figure, tightly packed in a secretarial suit, he gathers himself. Realizing she had a Pass for Top Level Guild Officials.

"That box right there. I want you to label it as Classified and to be transported on the train headed to Technocity."

"What? But you'll have to take it over to the Captain of the ship and the Loading Master."

"I already did. I just need you to make sure if anyone asks about that box. It's top secret."

"What? Are you gonna send whatever is in there to space?"

"No. But it's none of your business now isn't it Mister Sawyer."

"Y-yes ma'am."

The Harbour Master then goes on his way. Signalling for the ship to continue loading it in. While the strange woman disappears and exits out the Port walls. Using Transmutate, she changes her hair color back to blonde, and teleports her Saintly armor back on. Inside one of the alleyways, a Dwarf whose height reached her hips with an Elven man and stranger all in cloak followed as she headed down to the basement of one of the clay buildings.

The bearded Dwarf was curious about the entire thing and is visibly trying to find the right moment to speak up.

"What is it Desson?"

"Ma'am, what're you truly planning? That's the Ancient Vampire Queen inside that box!"

"I'm planning on preventing our enemies from attaining Global Positioning and Communications."

"And even then, will we be enough to stop her?"

"We 'll see. Remember, Vampires are the opposite of the Divine. That Ancient Queen is also defeated and in need of blood. I highly doubt she'll be able to make a stand against me. One who has the Hero Trait."

"True, but King Augustus? What do you think?"

The tall stranger puts down the hood of his cloak as the group goes into a secret door which leads to the sewers. Not like the olden and rough looking Dwarf, he on the other hand is a blonde middle aged man with an extremely handsome face coupled with a sharp jawline and broad shoulders. The outlier was his golden eyes with lizard pupils. With his height, he even towers over the Sword Saint.

"I've already fought her before. She's indeed powerful, but no match against a Dragon God and a Hero. Maybe, if she has back up, but King Charles wasn't really in the best of health when their Castle in Ville De La Nuit, Capital of the Kingdom of Rose got besieged by almost all of the races."

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