VOLUME 3 Chapter 8

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The powerpoint slide moves to the next and last topic of the day, which was the Demon Continent. Immediately, a tense atmosphere builds up amongst the delegates.

"As you all know, aside from the Knights of Eldwood who have been frozen by the Grand Wizards for five months, the Demon Continent has been ruthless in its espionage operations within the six continents. But more predominantly on Geraldia and Dragovh, as both continents are directly below them. I know many of us wish to look away from this world's geopolitical problems, but due to the nature and danger of an entire continent full of Vampires, Werewolves, Hellspawn, Elves, Dwarfs, Demons, and Demon Worshippers. Were also in danger, some sought out for a united force to strike a direct and deep blow to them or at least a defensive force. Eldwood's report states that they have bulletproof Knight armors. Same as the ones some of you had encountered a few months ago."

The slides show a well made illustration of the continents and roughly their size. Dragovh was measured at around 7,000Km wide while Geraldia was at 11,000Km wide, the reactions were mixed. "As you can see, the plan here is to penetrate deep through West and East, get to Vitas before there King, Nergal starts the alleged Reset which is a world end event where billions of Demons will arise from the ground and kill everything on sight, to so called return the balance of the world." Some now see how much land they're still yet to cover, while others are already aware and know there's still a lot to be done. John and Paul on the other hand could not grasp the entire photo, the two continents side by side were extremely tiny and what got their attention was the large Kingdoms that controlled gigantic regions.

"Holy shit, some of those Kingdoms are larger than Rome at its peak."

"I know, God Dammit John. We'll need more people and more equipment."

Hassan on the other hand was quiet, but his hands were visibly clenched while looking at the photo.

"Though only Four thousand kilometers wide and eight thousand kilometers long from North to South. The Demon Continent's extreme ability to adapt and overcome has become a problem. Many of you as I know have encountered them in the first months, they were easy to defeat. Bullets could kill them without a problem, even their skilled Assassins and Black Hoods were no match for modern technology. Two months ago, we started encountering them with bullet proof helmets and their Knights were fully capable of tanking Five-five-six and seven sixty-two rounds without a problem."

The General Secretary leans on the podium, showing his stress at the situation.

"If they could adapt at such a fast pace, it won't be long till our weapons would become redundant and the only thing we could use would be Cruise Missiles and Fighter Jets. We must come to a conclusion now if we're gonna act upon them, or take the risk, pour everything we have into an expeditionary force and get out. Many of us seemed conflicted on this, hence this will be our topic. Any comments or suggestions?"

The room was quiet at first, but some people already started voting. One man from the SEA Server stood up, a general from a Southeast Asian Guild.

"The only reason why me and my colleagues haven't supported the idea of going to the Demon Continent is due to the advent of geopolitical discussions upon the major Kingdoms. One for fact the Kingdom of Gerald and Bohn. Two extremely large Kingdoms with millions in their Renaissance Era war machine, if we step into this, we'd also get caught in their problems."

Immediately, a man in a suit representing NA Server, from a Midwest Guild stood up.

"Even though my Guild's main focus is logistics and trading, I can't help but comment on this too. The moment we were teleported or isekai'd as other people state, we've already taken upon the problems of our continents. If not now, it'd only be a matter of time till more and more curious delegates and diplomats approach us for trading and commercial goods. I suggest we break this ice now and open up to them, not only will this give us a good word but also improve our relations to the general populace which has an extreme stigma against people from our world due to the power and culture differences."

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