VOLUME 7 Prologue

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"And if you said this life ain't good enough."

A Pilot in a jet black flight suit and helmet makes a small cross, opening his player menu and goes to the personal chat box. His head weaving as he grooves to the song of Santana - Smooth being played on the speakers of the locker room.

>It's confirmed. The Scientists will say if we stay here any longer, the player menu will disappear as our souls get used to this foreign world. Making it impossible for anyone to return, I'll give you the classified intel's files later sir.

>Alright, We've made the deal with Havannah. Execute Operation Jade Green, defect now from the UN, drop the Spec Ops soldiers near the Vampire Kingdom and meet us at Pons Terra. We have Oil Rigs and an Island there where you can store the MC-130J Commandos.

>Roger that sir.

"I would give my world to lift you up."

He then takes a chart of Schon and looks at a Men of the Woods E-3 Sentry AWACS flying in its middle while one of its F-22A with six F-18 Super Hornets owned by the Knights of Treehearts has a flight plan to the Three Rivers Fortress City.

>AWACS, 1x F-22A, 6x F/A-18SH. AWACS 50 Clicks back, F-22 providing radar. AWACS is also supported by F-35s with SEAD. Possibly a shit ton of HARMs.

>Copy. We'll be setting up an S-550 Victor system with the Hera Radar system. That AWACS will be history with the Lightnings. For the formation that's going to be in a crash course with you guys, we have a Veteran of the Third World War, who flew an F-22. He'll be using a Felon and will be committing to a BVR engagement.

>That's pretty ballsy sir. But possible, we have very few satellites and most of them cheaply made as they're supposed to expire next year.

>Good, then prepare your flight plan and submit it to us. The Mach Loop you'll be performing should be below 500 Feet as you'll be deploying them near the Vampire Kingdom. The airbase they have there is small but has strong radar.


"I could change my life to better suit your mood."

A few days later, the snow has calmed down and a Special Ops soldier is inside his barracks. All geared up with his M4 SOPMOD II next to him as he takes a silver mask from a box given to him. Listening to music as he walks to one of the Operators.

"Have you told the others?"

"Yes sir, the entire Special Operations Group is ready. We'll follow you through the entire thing."

"You're all good men, we deserve better than the life we have back at home. Though I don't agree with the alliance with those crazed Vamps. We'll make do. C'mon, let's be a part of history, one last time."

"Because you're so smooth, And it's just like the ocean under the moon."

He turns off the music and puts on his Advanced Combat Helmet with quad nods attached. Exiting out of the concrete building and into the open tarmac where skeletons with players are cleaning the runway and taxiways of snow. A black Humvee arrives and he is delivered to the cargo area where four MC-130J Commando with Ground Power Units are ready and prepared for take off. Inside the ATC of the Airbase, the Controllers notice the jet black Special Operations aircraft seemingly ready to spool up.

"Hey Henry, does the Five Hundred and Sixtieth Special Operations Air Group have any filed takeoffs today?"

"Huh? No. Well, its not like they ever file those, High Command gave them the green pass to do fuck all. They only bother when there's an exercise."

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