family night

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You are at a dinner with your family, your sister's boyfriend's friend had come along. Sam was a nice guy, you were glad she met someone like him. He also funny and overall a good friend to you and boyfriend to your sister. But his friend, was a little weird. Sam introduced him as James, his friend from work. After dinner he found a place on the couch for board games, he was slouching and staring over at me, in a chair across from him.
He had cerulean blue eyes that made my body freeze up every time our eyes would find each other. Sometimes Sam would nudge him, tell him to stop staring at people, apparently that was a problem of his?
I mean he is absolutely gorgeous, so I wouldn't mind his staring, if I wasn't so insecure, did he think I was so ugly he had to stare? Wondering how ugly I could be? After the first game ended, I got up to the living room with my family for dessert, but poked my head out to see my sister, Y/S/N, talking to Sam and James.
"Why do you keep staring at her?" Sam asked, looking at him.
"Didn't you say he has a staring thing?" Y/S/N replied. James just shrugged leaning forward for his water. "Well knock it off she is as red as a tomato." my sister said, and I scrunched my nose in distaste.
"She is uh, beautiful." James replied, and I felt my cheeks flush deeper.
"Oh ol' Bucky Barnes has a crush." Sam mocked, and I leaned back into the kitchen so I hopefully wouldn't be caught. I shouldn't be out there, I'm just gonna make a mess of myself.
I wiggled away from the action and down the hall, going into my father's office for some quiet.
"Y/N, I was told to come get you." James said, peaking in and I jumped in surprise, my water falling from my hand, and time seemed to stop as James reached forward quickly grabbing the glass before it fell.
"Um, good catch?" I said, my eyes scanning his and he smiled sheepishly before setting the water down on the desk.
"Yeah..." James replied, his eyes looking in mine, as I nodded. "Had some time in the army, great reflexes." he continued and I looked into his eyes again and smiled.
"Yeah okay." I nodded.

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