heather and the traitor part 1

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Brown guilty eyes and little white lies

Yeah, i played dumb but i always knew

That you'd talked to her, maybe did even worse

I kept quiet so i could keep you

But i watch your eyes as she walks by

What a sight for sore eyes

Brighter than a blue sky

She's got you mesmerised while i die

Y/n was captivating, and the super soldiers knew this. This girl walked into the avenger's tower and turned both of their heads. She had a instant attraction with Steve, and they were starting to date sooner rather than later. Y/n would never admit she had feelings for both men. Steve was a great man, and Bucky had a deep soul that captivated Y/n. She felt guilt wring up and down her spine when she was Steve and thinking of Bucky. She would lay in Steve's arms and dream of them being Bucky's. She'd never do anything about it, she wouldn't tear the two apart by being, what she phrased, a whore. She didn't want to lose either of them, Steve knew friendship came first in their relationship, but if she went off with his best friend he'd be heartbroken, he'd be betrayed. The question looming over Bucky's head was what would happen if she did choose him? Would he just go off with her? Betray Steve, his best friend, like that? Then he shuts himself down because he shouldn't be thinking about Steve's girl like that.

When Y/n first came around, there was no question to whom she liked, it was Steve, she didn't even blink in Bucky's direction. She fell deeply for Steve in only a matter of days. Bucky hated watching her with him, but he had no chance, not with the way she was looking at Steve. She was mesmerised but his best friend, and overall Bucky was happy for the two.

You betrayed me

And i know that you'll never feel sorry

For the way i hurt, yeah

You'd talk to her when we were togеther

Loved you at your worst, but that didn't matter

I wish i wеre heather (but you're still a traitor)

But then everything came falling down when Steve went on the run. They were protecting Bucky, and Y/n was gone. She started training with the Wakanda's, disappearing from everyone, even Steve. When Bucky and Steve showed up, they were blown away by seeing her, Steve felt betrayed by you while Bucky was just happy to see you. Bucky stayed, and they worked on him, and he rested and trained. Steve stayed a little longer than he was supposed to, trying to fight with you and bring up the past. He knew that you weren't sorry for leaving, that you didn't truly love him. That you planned on leaving him long before you did, he was upset that he loved you through everything, and then you left him alone in the worst time possible.

He didn't understand why you left, and you couldn't explain it to him. By the time Steve came back it was before the war, and they spend some time in Wakanda. That brought the two of you back together. But while you two were apart, you bonded with Bucky. You saw him in a different light and looked up to him. He was the strongest person you knew, and he was no longer just Steve's best friend. He was a friend, a lover. Bucky fell right into your arms, and you did the same. But when Steve came back, everything changed as the war got closer.

Watch as she stands, with her holding your hand

Put your arm 'round her shoulder, now i'm getting colder

But how could i hate her? she's such an angel

But then again, kinda wish she were dead

You felt guilty. You and Steve made up, but you put boundaries up, telling him that there was something someone else that held a spot in your heart, that being with him would be wrong. You spent a couple of days with Bucky in public before Thanos snapped everyone out of the universe. You wanted to kill the son of a bitch, and when you got the chance you did. He took everything from you, and it caused a wound only Steve knew how to fix. The two of you were together again, with Bucky's touches and lingering eyes in your head when Steve would touch you. Natasha would stare at you, noting how much this would've hurt Bucky, you knew too. You felt the guilt of ton's of angels on your shoulders. She wished she wasn't in this position, though she always put herself in it.

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