Bucky: Part 5

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Bucky led me to his tent, and he sat down on the floor on his makeshift bed and I followed along, looking at him.
"Why am I here Buck?" I asked, my voice soft.
"Cause I needed you here, Y/n/n." He replied, his voice soft as usual.
"You told me a lot when we were together, I always felt like you were hiding something and I guess you were." I said, and he looked at me, nodding, his eyes were soft as he listened to me.
"I couldn't let you know to much, I couldn't let you get hurt. Being your friend already put you in danger. I'm happy to know you're okay." Bucky said, and I moved closer.
"But you're going through so much, you were the Winter Solider, you were used. I. I don't know how you are so strong." I said, and Bucky looked down gulping.
"I had no other choice but to be strong, Y/n. I've never been one to give up on a fight." he said, and I smiled at him and nodded.
"You're lucky I got nothing else to do." I smiled at him, and he chuckled.
"I guess I am." Bucky replied.
The next couple months and years were filled with helping Bucky, and working with Wakanda, you even trained a little with him and Okoye, one of T'Challa's friends and warrior. You were actual friends with Shuri, you talked and could do girly things together.
While you're feelings for Bucky only grew stronger, he opened up with you completely. You learned about him, and Steve and what happened while he was away. You learned more about what happened, and what the Winter Solider did to Tony Stark's parents, and Avenger's breaking up.
He didn't have to be on the run, he wasn't apart of the avenger's, and after T'Challa tried to kill him, he thought helping him get better and undoing the Winter Solider control over him, was slowly coming apart but he was also trying to heal mentally, you were his friend, but also someone to push him to do better and get better. You weren't going to let him lose this battle.
Then something came, Thanos came. You helped with the battle and tried to fight as much as you could, but he won, and you're world came apart, you ran out to the battle field after people started disappearing to see Bucky turn into dust.

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