Bucky: Part 9

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Tony was gone, he was dead, and he did it for everyone, he did it to save the world. But he left Pepper and Morgan, and that felt that the biggest thing. He gave up everything to save people. He didn't have to do that but he did. After the battle, most of us headed back to Avenger's tower, and I went into my room to take a breather. I didn't see Bucky during the battle, there were hundreds of us to take on Thanos, and we won. But some of us didn't. Natasha didn't.
Clint seemed to feel off, though he was going back home to his family, he still had sadness in his eyes, because Nat died and she did it because she was good and wouldn't let someone else die for her. Clint was good, but I understood why he had to live, he has a family, children. But Nat did too.
You mourned so much and you're head was so full. That changed when there was a knock at your door.
"Y/n." Said Bucky, you gasped hearing his voice and got up and swung open the door to hug him.
"I love you." You blurted out, you wouldn't forget to say it, you wouldn't let something happen to one of you so you couldn't say it. You weren't going to hold it back any longer. You moved back and cupped his cheeks looking into his eyes as tears welled up in yours, Bucky scanned your face his eyes going down to the necklace. "Steve found it. It. It was the last part of you I truly had." I murmured, as Bucky stayed quiet but his eyes wondered the room for a moment, everything that could be found of his or in the tent from Wakanda was there.
You just needed a part of him, and now he was here.
"You're okay?" I asked, cupping his cheeks and he nodded looking at me.
"I love you too." Bucky replied, looking into my eyes, I smiled softly and nodded before leaning my head on his chest, his arms slipping around me and holding me tight. It was finally okay.

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