Bucky: Part 4

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You couldn't believe where you were, You've flown before, in lower class next to two other people where the seats where tiny and you had no room to spread out.
You were now on a jet, alone. Apparently Steve was still on the run, so he wouldn't accompany you, they thought you, a practical stranger would be fine alone on one of their jets.
You didn't know what you were going to do when you saw him, but you assumed you would melt, his blue eyes would find yours and all the negative feelings you had after he left would be over. You would just miss your late night convos or his odd stares from afar. You had feelings for him, you might even be slowly falling in love with him, but he was a friend.
When the jet landed, the flight attendant led me to the door and down the small flight of stairs, to see a group of people around me. I smiled sheepishly.
"Um Hi." I murmured, my eyes trailing Wakanda, it looked like a palace.
"Y/N." I heard the soft voice of Bucky, and anger started to bubble up before I saw his face, and his metal arm out and about, his hair a bit longer and his blue eyes tired.
"Bucky." I murmured, walking towards him and stopping right in front of him, my eyes scanning his and my heart pumping hard against my chest.
"Hi Bucky." I smiled at him and the smallest smile I've ever seen showed on his face before he hugged me.
"You actually came." He murmured, and I melted.
"Mr. Barnes, your friend is now here, can you continue with your rehabilitation?" A man said, who had a thick accent. "And Ms. Y/L/N, welcome to Wakanda. I am T'Challa. You may stay here as long as the white wolf." He said, nodding to me and I stepped forward to him and smiled.
"Thank you, T'Challa. Well you know I'm Y/N." I said, smiling.
"It's nice to meet you Y/N. Will you be staying with Mr. Barnes?" T'Challa asked, and I blushed.
"She can have her own tent, near mine though." Bucky said, and I nodded.
"Well we will set that up." A woman said and I nodded, before looking back at Bucky, his eyes already on mine, and I smiled before he hugged me.

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