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Cover to cover, we're at these lands

Can you remember? No sense of time

No sense of time

You finally got him away from the fight. Ever since Bucky got back he has been busy. You disliked how busy he has been. When you met him, he was busy. But now he had time. He has so much time. Time he didn't know how to live until you. He has a lot of fears,and wasting away his final years is a big one. But he found you in a coffee shop, you're messy and mascara slowly falling away and he thought you were the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.

When the team stopped in Saigon, you were traveling with them, you had the best time with him. It was a place you always wanted to come back to. You loved Bucky throughout all these years, throughout the bilp.

They underwater, air out these minds

Hopin' for thunder and these desert eyes

These desert eyes

When he came back, when the two of you reunited, it was surreal, the happiness the two of you felt. Then Steve left. Bucky understood why, even told him to do it. But he didn't understand why he didn't ask for him to go back with him. Bucky never wanted to think wrong of Steve, but he left him, and they were never supposed to do that. They were never supposed to leave each other. Bucky blamed himself, he blamed the fact that Steve had been alone for years without him, so he knew he'd be fine without him.

Bucky didn't think about you when it came to Steve. How you would've felt if he left. How it would have affected you. You never brought up in fear of abandonment. You didn't want him to leave you because he knew he could do better. You knew he could do better. Until this trip.

You two traveled back to Saigon. We forgot about all the baggage. We made love and danced for hours, tried different drinks, and cuddled. We were clinging together, doing the simplest of things. Being in Saigon brought fuel back to our relationship, something I certainly didn't mind. If he was going to leave me after this, I would be okay. I got this with him again. I have a little piece of him in my heart always.

When facin', the things we turn away from

We're chasin' the way we were in Saigon

Oh, let's pick apart until there's nothin' left of us to carry on

Now we're facin', the things we turn away from

You couldn't be more proud of Bucky in his recovery. He was relearning himself and you were there for every part of it. But you knew that there were still things he wouldn't talk about or confront. Time passed after Saigon. Things going back into place, the two of you drifting apart, but neither of you would admit it. There was something both of you weren't saying to each other. Things that took a lot of courage to say or recognize. You hoped he still loved you though. You were scared of going on with this, until either of you had anything to give.

You tried being what you were Saigon.

When the two of you got back to the hotel room, Bucky smiled at you before moving over to you and his hands coming up to your cheeks as his lips landed on yours, the both of your lips moving with each other, as he pulled you close. Your hands cupping his neck as the two of you melted into each other. You fell into each other.

"I love you Y/n." Bucky murmured, pulling back looking into your eyes as you cupped his cheeks, pulling him closer, your noses rubbing slightly against each other before your lips landed back on his, your kissing hungry and animalistic. His soft pink lips meshed with yours as he fell into you.

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