im okay though part 1

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I have a couple friends but we don't hang out anymore

When we do anything, they always act like they are bored.

I care and I pretend that I don't but I'm okay though

You sat in the booth of the diner. You had a book in front of you and a cup of coffee. It was Friday night and you wanted to hang out with your friends but you never feel welcomed when you do. You decided to no longer hang around them. There was no use in doing something that made you miserable. But you still went out, you couldn't hide away forever.

Mom and dad were fighting and I tried to intervene

It didn't help at all, it made it worse if anything

I cried until I fell asleep but I'm okay though

You couldn't stay in the house. You didn't want to hear your parents fight. They were yelling, they were probably both drunk. They did this all the time. They fought and you stayed in your room. This time, you couldn't take the yelling so you got up and told them to stop but the yelling got louder and you retreated to your room. The tears wouldn't stop flowing until you fell asleep. You had no honest friends and your parents weren't there, not for you.

You felt his eyes on you in the diner. Your reaction was to look up and you saw him looking down at his drink, he was with a group of friends, you assumed. He had short brown hair and a trimmed beard, dazzling blue eyes as his eyes met yours.

You looked back down at your book before looking at your phone to see it dead. You sighed, packing up your bag before scooting out and walking up to the counter to pay for your coffee.

"I'm gonna head out." I said, and he nodded before ringing me up.

"I'll pay for her ticket." the man said with blue eyes as he took out cash and handed it to the man and he nodded.

"Oh thank you." I murmured, smiling and he looked down at me before nodding.

"You're Y/D/N's kid right?" he asked, and you winced before nodding. "I use to work with him."

"Yeah he lost his job." You murmured, moving back.

"I heard. Weren't you in college?" he asked, and I looked down.

"I was." I replied.

"I know things have been rough, things will get better." he said, and you laughed softly before shaking your head.

"Yeah.." I trailed. "Thanks again. I'll get going."

"I didn't try to assume anything," he replied.

"Yeah I bet." I said.

"I'm Chris." he said, and I nodded.

"Y/n." I said, waving while forcing a smile and walking out the door.

Everybody tells me I have to believe

The bad feelings will go away eventually

I try but I swear it always seems

Like it comes to them so easily

And I'm stuck at the part whеre I pretend I'm happy

Whilе I'm waiting for it to get better for me

I started making my way back home, trying to take my time. I didn't want to take care of my parents, while drunk and stupid.

"Y/n!" Chris said, running up behind me as I jumped.

"You shouldn't do that to people!" I said, angrily, and he laughed.

"It's late, and you shouldn't walk home alone." Chris said as I gulped and stopped in my tracks. I don't want him to see my parents like this.

"It's not too far, I'm fine to go alone." I replied and he frowned.

"I know your dad, Y/n." Chris answered.

I wish that I was different, wish that I was someone else

I know that I should probably tell somebody I need help

But it's easier for me to say that I'm okay though

"Yeah you said that." I said, staring at him.

"I know he's a drunk." Chris said, as I stepped back. "He doesn't hurt you right? Or your mom?" he asked.

"What are you a cop or something?" I asked, moving further away.

"Let me walk you home." Chris said, softly, looking into my eyes.

"You're a cop." I murmured, walking on as he followed. "I'm not a minor, and my dad isn't a mean drunk. Though my parents don't like each other, they don't hurt each other. There is no need for a cop to wonder about it." I said, before stopping. "And you lied, you didn't work with my father." I snapped.

"That. Y/n stop." Chris started and the realization came to me and I stopped turning around again.

"Something happened right?" I asked, and Chris sighed.

"I did know your father. But he was taken to the hospital for alcohol poisoning, they pumped his stomach but he didn't make it." Chris said, and I clicked my tongue frowning and looking at him.

"You have been in there for two hours. So you've known for two fucking hours and didn't tell me?" I said, angrily.

"I'm sorry, Y/n." Chris said, as I shook my head and walked away.

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