starting line part 1

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"Bucky! Bucky!" I shouted, running over to the tall man sitting next to my brother. He looked over at me and I smiled widely, handing him the stone I found from the river. "Becca, she she helped me find it." I smiled.

"That's really cool, Gen." Bucky replied, and I put my hands on my hips and nodded, smiling as Becca came out of the water.

"Let me see Joey." Steve said, looking over and I handed the stone to him.

"Maybe we could make it into a necklace." Bucky said, and I nodded.

"We should get back." Becca said, moving over and the boys nodded before Becca grabbed my hand and led me to the car with the boys. Steve was my big brother, ever since our parents passed on we stayed with the Barnes' family. I was too young to be on my own, only fourteen. When we got back Wini, helped me to a bath before laying out a dress for me. I dressed and brushed my hair before walking out and spinning around and smiling. I looked into the kitchen to see Bucky talking to his mom, as Becca slipped into the bathroom behind me.

I really had a crush on Bucky. Always have. He has the prettiest blue eyes and fluffy brown hair. I've known all my life. He was Steve's best friend. My hand came up to my strawberry blonde hair and smiled walking inside.

"I'm so proud of you James." Wini told Bucky as he smiled politely as his mother before picking up his coffee and drinking it.

"Do you like my dress?" I asked, my hands coming to the ends and twirling again, giggling and smiling.

"Oh you look beautiful." Wini replied, and Bucky smiled nodding, before looking back at his drink before grabbing a newspaper. I sighed before sitting down at the table and Becca came over to me.

"I have a book for you." Becca said, sitting next to me, a pink dress on and her hair fluffed to perfection. "It's called 1984." she said.

"What would you let her read, that?" Bucky said, snatching it away from her hands.

"James, she is a very avid reader." Becca started.

"I've already read all my children's books, and I've stolen a couple from Steve's old schooling desk." I said. "The children's books are far too easy." I commented.

"It's about the future, Buck. Ain't that something?" Becca asked, handing it back to me after snatching it from his hands.

"It has some very mature topics." Wini said, signing as she started on supper.

"What did Joey do now?" Steve asked, walking in as Bucky laughed.

"I got in." Bucky said, standing up and Steve smiled at him, before tapping his back in a hug.

"He got in?" I whispered to Becca and she nodded.

"He enlisted in the war." Wini said, smiling before looking off the smile fading from her lips. "Though it's dangerous, I'm proud." she added.

"Are you going to enlist Steve?" I asked, Becca covered a smile on her face, and I frowned.

"I am." Steve said, and I smiled widely, before looking down.

"Wait, it's war." I murmured, coming to the realization. "Steve can't go to war." I said, standing up as Steve came over to me and patted my shoulders.

"I agree." Becca said, as Bucky scoffed.

"You can help here, Steve. Take care of Gen." Bucky said, worriedly while looking at my brother.

"I would be alone." I murmured.

"You wouldn't be alone." Steve replied. "You have Wini and Becca." he said, as I looked down.

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