Bucky: Part 7

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"We're about to head out." Steve said, "We know where Thanos is, we're going to go kill him, come with." he said, and I looked up at him, anger coursing through me.
"That isn't any of my business." I said, and he shook his head.
"He took Bucky from us, Y/n/n." Steve said.
"Thanos took everyone away from anyone, Steve." I snapped at him, standing up.
"So avenge for them, for everyone he took, for everyone." Steve said, and I nodded, getting up and suiting up about to walk out the door before Steve stopped me and handed me something.
"It's his mom's ring. I was going to give it to him, after I found it. Got it from a distant cousin of his actually, while running from people. He loved his mom more than anything, and he didn't get to have a future with you, but this. This is the best I can do to help that." Steve said, and I nodded before slipping off my necklace I always wore, taking off the old charm and putting on the ring.
"Thank you Steve." I murmured.
"Yeah, Y/n." Steve nodded before we all headed out and on to the ship, I personally hadn't been in space before, so this whole ordeal was a little crazy. We loaded up and eventually found the planet the dumb purple thing made before landing and all going to his little place. I was the first to go on, the control I had very little and punched him in the face, he was about to fight back but the rest of us came in and stopped him, before slicing his arm off, and I punched him again.
"You're a fucking monster." I spat, before moving back. Everything happened so fast and before I knew it Thor was slicing his head off and I wish it helped take the pain away but it really didn't.
We loaded back up and went back to earth and tried to continue on with my life, Steve dragged me to support groups and tried to be there for me.
But the truth was I had fallen in love with him, deeply with how strong he was, and the little things he did. Everything about him made me fall, and he meant everything to me, I told him everything and he did the same.

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