Bucky: Part 1

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Ok but imagine
Meeting Bucky in Bucharest, before civil war. He is recovering and hiding away. You meet him at the market and instant feel a connection with him when you start talking, you think he is super cute and shy. Though he wants to keep a distance from everyone and anyone, you are an acceptation. He went to the market once and couldn't get you out of his head. He went to the market once a month, which turned into once a week, then to once a day.
He couldn't get your E/C eyes out of his head, the way you looked at him. He would chat you up, though he was still learning who he was again, and how to deal with his nightmares and guilt. Those were things he hadn't even touched on, he didn't want to be found, he didn't want to be used.
He found himself in situation's where he was constantly used, especially for battle. You made that fade away, with your smile and a bat of your eyelashes, he enjoyed seeing a blush cross your cheeks.
He couldn't believe when he agreed to go get coffee with you, the two of you spoke about a lot. You opened up to him, and he spoke about his past in the 1940's, you didn't know of the timeline.
You also learned the little things about him, like his favorite color and his favorite snack. He spoke a lot about the hobbit, though you didn't mind.
You two grew as close friends. He was already getting close to someone, he wouldn't make it more than it already was, though he had plenty of feelings that were growing because of you, he wouldn't act on them.
But he dreamt about a reality where he could, not a completely unrealistic one, it was after the fire was set out. Where he could move on and tell you everything about him and you'd understand and love him despite of it. You would never be in-danger. He wouldn't always fight for you and vise versa. But that wasn't the reality. Everything was flipped on it's head and when Steve showed up at his apartment, and it was blown into nothing, you looked everywhere for him, but he wasn't who he said he was, and he was gone. You didn't what to do or what to say. He was just gone.

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