Gold Rush*

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Eyes like sinking ships

On waters so inviting

I almost jump in

You met him at work. He was the head of some branch of the company you worked at. You worked there for a long time and slowly climbed up to the spot you were at. You noticed him, how could you not notice him. He's handsome, sophisticated and the stuff made of smutty dreams.

But I don't like a gold rush, gold rush

I don't like anticipating my face in a red flush

I don't like that anyone would die to feel your touch

Everybody wants you

Everybody wonders what it would be like to love you

You noticed him way before he noticed you, is what you thought. But when your eyes caught his smoldering cerulean blue eyes, you felt your heart sink, and your eyes slowly dilated as you made eye contact with the man. You looked away, and looked back at your work, trying to concentrate on the work in front of you. You heard a co-worker start to speak and looked over to her, her eyes looking at the man, her skin running scarlet and her eyes dilating. You cocked your head before looking back at the man, who's eyes met yours again as he gave you a barely noticeable smile.

Walk past, quick brush

I don't like slow motion double vision in rose blush

When the meeting ended, you walked out, fixing your skirt and holding your notebook to your chest as you passed him while walking, his eyes blue eyes connected to yours, your cheeks going red before looking down at the ground. Why does he look at people like that? Why does he have that control?

You didn't know. But you set your things down at your desk before getting back up and walking to the bathroom. You let it shut before walking over to the sink and splashing your face with water as he came in. Stupid non-binary bathrooms. They weren't stupid, and you knew that, but why did he have to come in? He walked over to the sink and set his hands against the sink before gulping. You felt small next to him as you looked up at him. He looked over at and licked his lips.

You gulped as he watched his hands looking back in the mirror before walking closer to you, he towered over you as he grabbed paper towels and dried his hands, leaning over to throw the towel into the bin behind you before turning around and walking out. You stood there, looking at the paper towels and bin next to his sink. Maybe he doesn't know personal space.

I don't like that falling feels like flying 'til the bone crush

Everybody wants you

But I don't like a gold rush

You acted like you didn't know him, like you didn't grow up near each other. But you knew him. You knew his name. You hadn't always been so sheepish around the man. But the man use to a boy. He used to be your boy, is what everyone called him. But now he was a man. He didn't even interact with you now.

What must it be like

To grow up that beautiful?

With your hair falling into place like dominos

He had always been handsome. He always had a charming smile and dazzling eyes, but he used to not use them evil. It had to be evil. Seducing woman with your eyes. It's pure evil. You hadn't seen him in a while.

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