Friends of Friends: Part 2

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{Meet me in the bathroom.}The text said, and Sebastian got up from his seat and walked to the bathroom. Moments later you're phone rang and saw his contact pretending it was your mom and talking.
"Um hey mom." I murmured, standing up.
"Come back here already." Sebastian said.
"I don't know why you would want me to do that." I replied.
"Cause I wanna talk. C'mere Y/n/n." Sebastian said, his voice like silk. You hung up and kept walking towards the bathroom.
"What Sebastian?" I asked, he grabbed my hand and pulled me close to him, looking down at me.
"Why ya keep looking at me like that?" He murmured, his ocean blue eyes peering my into my soul as I stood before him.
"I-I dunno." I replied, scanning his eyes.
"You don't know?" He asked, smiling softly, backing up into the bathroom, my steps following his as I looked into his eyes. "With those pretty little eyes and red cheeks, you know what you're doing to me, you always do." he said and I gulped. Maybe he didn't hate me afterall maybe it was something else.

Sebastian Stan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now