Bucky: Part 8

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Natasha became a friend, and trainer, she tried to teach me everything she knew. She opened up to me about her family, and I opened up about Bucky.
Years go by, I even become a babysitter of sorts to Morgan Stark. Everything was different, and your heart still beated for James Buchanan Barnes, but you learned about Steve is that his heartbeats for someone who is long gone.
He told me about it, to try and save me from a fate like this. He would always love her and thought of her as the love of his life. That Bucky could be that for me, that eventually it would be okay, and you'd learn to move on.
Though when you caught him staring at the picture of her on his pocket watch you doubted that he was over her, he didn't seem to be over it or her at all. He seemed like he still loved her, and longed for her.
He told me about how he thought Bucky had died, and it was the hardest the thing for him, but knowing he was alive, he had to get his friend and had to save him.
Sooner than later it was five years since you last saw Bucky, you'd see him in pictures and at the Captain America museum.
But things changed when Scott Lang showed up, he wasn't snapped away like everyone else and he came up with the idea of time travel. I tried to help the best I could, but wound up with Pepper and Morgan, hoping that they came back, and could save everyone, and bring Bucky back. You didn't want to have too much hope but you had a lot of it.
That he could come back and you could confess how you've felt for the last almost 7 years.
You hopped that Steve was right, that Bucky loved you and that you meant everything to him, for everything you've done for him, and supporting him, helping him. You hopped he loved you with everything in you. You really hopped this whole planned work, that they would all come back.
When they did, and Bruce snapped his fingers, you really hopped it worked. You were asked to participate in grand Avengers battle against Thanos. You were excited and nervous to be apart of it, but you wanted to defeat him, for everything he took and everything he was trying to take again.

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