Mr. NeIhBoUr

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I slowly drifted into a deep slumber, after telling mum to wake me up when the food's here.

Freya's POV

I woke up in a jolt. Because of a nightmare?



"MUM. HOW MANY TIM-mppphhhhh" my voice was then muffled because mum shoved her hand onto my face. "Relax. And stop yelling. I tapped you like a million times and you didn't wake up. What about this, you won't come and attack me for stopping your music if I let you buy whatever you want once we reach Musutafu? Deal?"

I yanked her hand off and returned the deal "deal."

"Now eat your food. It's gonna get cold." I dug in right away. Wow I didn't know I was this hungry. "You eat like a pig" mum said and laughed. "NO I DON'T" she shushed me. Why am I keep forgetting I'm on a plane.

After I finished eating, I went to the restroom to freshen up.

After getting out the restroom, I decided I wanted to watch a movie. Actually plenty movies.

We now had 3 hours before we landed and I couldn't wait. "Mum. Where are we gonna stay when we get there?" I asked. She then said, "Mr. Sleepy head said he rented a house for us so we'll stay there." I nodded and decided I wanted to watch one last movie. All these movie are pretty boring. I wanna watch something scary but there's none in these lists. I thought, mentally pouting at their bad choice of movies.

We. Finally. Arrived.

———At the house———

We made it to the house and the first thing I did was head upstairs to pick which room I wanted. There was a room on the right side of the corridor that caught my eye. I was mesmerised at how huge the room was. "MUM. I'M HAVING THIS ROOM. THE ROOM THAT IS THE BIGGEST IN THE HOUSE." I yelled out of excitement. Just seconds later, I hear footsteps come towards me. It was mum's turn to be mesmerised by the room. "Good choice. Wow it looks like you have your own bathroom too." I went back downstairs to get my boxes and bought it onto my new room. I started unpacking my first box, which were clothes and toiletries.

After 3 hours of unpacking and arranging my new room, I decided I wanted to go out for a walk. To look around. I have been to Musutafu before but I was very young and some things have changed. Before heading out though, I used the bathroom to freshen up and do my business real quick, then I went to mum's room to tell her that I was going out. She said it was fine and with that I left for my little journey. Albeit I was really tired, I wanted to look around the place, to get to know the place better so I won't get lost.

??? POV

"I've heard that we're finally getting a neighbour. Maybe you should go and say hi." I said looking through the window in the kitchen.

"NO" was the response I got. I got used to it. It's been like this since he got his quirk. I stepped away from the window and walked to my son. "Why not?"

"Because I said so. No means no. Now get lost mum I'm busy." Stubborn child. I shrugged my shoulders and went to do my own things.

"I'm going out mum." And with that my son left the house. We needed more food so before he fully shut the door I told him to go to the grocery store.

Freya's POV

I walked around for a little bit, looking for god knows what I was looking for. People even came up to me asked if I was lost or need anything. It kind of irritated me but I can't be rude to them cuz I know I looked lost. Just didn't want to admit it. After walking a little longer, I saw something that caught my eye. A park. I loved parks since I was 3 and I still do now, for no apparent reasons. Mum and dad don't mind me being like this and acting like I'm still a child. They love me no matter what. I jogged from where I was to the park and headed straight to the swings. I took out my phone and headphones and blasted some music.

After 30 minutes, I decided to head back home since it was getting dark. I hopped the swing and tucked my phone into my pocket, putting the volume a little low. As I was walking I heard someone yelling, "AAAH YOU IDIOT THING. STOP FALLING WOULD YA?" They might be in trouble. I ran to where I heard the yelling and was met by a blonde haired boy, holding a lot of groceries in his arms. With no bags. I went over to help pick up what he's dropped and helped him carry some of the food home. "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU? I CAN DO IT MYSELF?" "You remind me so much of myself." I mumbled to myself then carried on. "Anyways quit the yelling. I'm just gonna help you bring these home so you won't keep yelling and get stared at." "I DON'T NEED YOU FUCKING HELP!" "Shut up" i whispered so he wouldn't hear me. After a couple of seconds, he finally quieted down so we started walking.

"So what's your name?"
"Why the hell would I tell you my name. I don't even know you."
"True. Ok. Never mind. I'm Freya Ayagi and I just moved to Musutafu today from America. And I don't know why I'm telling you this but okay."

After having a conversation with this teenage boy, well me just talking and him just grunting and telling me to shut up, we made it to his house.


Is it just me or does the house beside his look like the house we moved into?

"Why are you keep staring at the house for?" Getting our of my thoughts, I turned to face him. "I just found out that I live right next to you. So that means.........." I had a smug look on my face. I had a habit of giving people nicknames, like mum. "....... hello Mr. Neighbour." With that I placed whatever I was holding on top of the things he was holding and ran inside the gates. "HEY WHAT THE HELL. DON'T YOU DARE CALL ME THAT!" Before I stepped in, i heard a female voice tell the boy to shut up and get inside. I laughed then headed inside, locking the door behind me.

I went up to my room and entered the bathroom and got changed into my comfortable pyjamas. I headed downstairs and started in making dinner. "Hey I said I was gonna make dinner." I heard mum say. I turned around seeing her pout. I smiled and said, "Well ma I'm in a happy mood now and don't feel like chasing you for stopping my music so I'm making dinner today. You can make lunch AND dinner tomorrow."

Published : 18/7/21

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