No worries

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"Sorry sorry sorry sorry. I didn't want you to see me in that state."

"I'm your mother though."

"But it's been a long time since you saw me in this state."

"Still doesn't change the fact that I'm your mother. Don't worry, I get it. I was messing with you. But don't do that ever again, that scared the heebbie jibbies outta me."

After laughing for a bit, we hugged and went to eat some ice cream.


"Make sure to hand in the maths worksheet you were told to complete."

As I walked past Mr. Zawa's desk, I dropped off my worksheet.

It was lunchtime, and I decided to listen to music. Around me was Mina, Kiri, Jiro, Denki and Sero, while Bakugo was leading the group. Our lunch in hand.

Once we made it to our table, we sat down and began eating. The song 'you can buy everything' was playing.
"I'd die for you, I'd lie for you, I'd steal for you, I'd cry for you, I'd ride for you, I'd lie underneath the star with you." I sang, unsubcinsciously. However, it was noisy everywhere so at the same time I wasn't worried. "Ah, wait that reminds me." I said taking out my phone and opened messages.

"What is it Freya?" Jiro asked, looking up from her own phone.

"Oh nothing, just need to message someone."

But before I could even press send, my phone was ringing.
"Hey, I was just texting you."

"I know. That's why I called. Love you to bits."

"Why so suddenly?" Something has to be up, but I'd rather not pressure her.

"What. Am I not allowed to say it to my bestie?"

"I didn't say that. Anyways, soon soon."

"Huh? Aah that yeah. Can't wait."

"Same. I just want your arms tightly wrapped around me."

I looked around the table just to see everyone staring at me, either eager to know who I'm talking to or weirded out. Uhh lemme just go to the toilet instead. Actually my food. I'll stay.

"I can't wait to do that. I haven't seen you in forever, I'm gonna die. My soulmate. My beauty. My everything."

"Excuse me, I AM the one that was meant to say that. My perfect lady."

I looked around to see them cringing, which made me laugh.

"Anyways I just wanted to hear your voice. You can go to the others. Bye"



"Shut the fuck up dunce face."

"Yeah. Stop saying weird things."

"Hey leave my poor little pika pika alone. He was just speaking his thoughts." I said, wrapping my arms around his head, to which he melted into.

"Yeah, leave me alone, I have the rights to speak too." He added.

Kirishima looked at him and spoke, "yeah well at least be sensible about it."

After laughing between each other for a bit, I go to move away only to be held tighter by Denki. "Noooooo, I wanna stay like this longer."

"Alright but lemme sit down too. My legs are gonna fall off."

After getting comfortable, we stayed hugging whilst talking between each other. I looked back at Bakugo, out of consciousness, just to see him staring daggers at Denki and my arms around him. To whom I only held closer and tighter.

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