UA (pt.1)

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Freya's POV

Mum and I finished with the 3 songs and decided to head to bed. I put the things we used away before getting ready for bed. "Tomorrow is a big day for you Freya.  Hey plenty of sleep." I was confused by what mum said, but I was too tired to ask her why so I just nodded and climbed into bed. "Goodnight mum." "Goodnight sweets" with that she turned off the lights closed the door and headed to her own room.

I woke up earlier than I ever did today. It was a beautiful, sunny Monday morning. After stretching, I got off bed and headed to my closet to pick out my clothes. I wore a short sleeved sky blue shirt with black jogging bottoms. I packed most of the things I would bring to school and headed downstairs to make breakfast and lunch. Soft snores was heard from mum's room. I made pancakes for breakfast and for my lunch, I decided to have stir fried noodles.

Mum woke up when I finished making my lunch. She joined me for breakfast.

"Did you have a nice sleep, sweets?" "I did ma. Can't wait to go to school." Mum looked confused. "How did you know you were starting school?" I shrugged, "When you were talking to Mr. Sleepyhead I was there listening too but I didn't know it was going to be so soon. And a lucky guess."

After I finished eating, I headed back to my room and packed my lunch into my bag.

"I'll drive you to school today." "Okay." I was putting on my shoes. After that, we headed off to UA. We blasted music all the way. It was a way to wake me up more and mother-daughter thing.

After about 5-10 minutes, we arrived at the front gates of UA. It was huge. "Should I come on with you?" Mum asked. "It's fine ma. Il go on my own."

Before stepping in through the gates, I closed my eyes and let out a big and long sigh. I opened my eyes, looking straight ahead of me and smiled. A determined expression. "See you later ma." I said with the same expression.

I walked in and into the building.

As I kept walking, looking all lost, I felt something bump onto my leg. I looked down to see a child? "Hey little kid. What are you doing in this school?" The child looked up at me and....- wait is he drooling?!?! "Hey pretty girl." "You are one creepy kid." I replied. "Hey I'm not a kid. I'm 16 years old. Probably the same age as you!!" I couldn't do anything but laugh. "Why-Why are you laughing for?" "You.....are you......are you sure you're 16?" I said through my fit of laughter. And without replying, he disappeared.

After calming myself down, I carried on walking, hoping to find at least the principal's office or a teacher.

Then once again, something bumped into my leg. This time it was my fault. I looked down to see a mouse?......rat? Whatever it was, looking creature. "Uhh. Hi." "Aahh you must be the new student." I nodded. Then he continued. "Well I'm Nezu, the principal. It's a pleasure to meet you." "It's a pleasure to me you too Mr. Nezu. I'm Fre-" "Freya Ayagi Mr. Aizawa told me about you. A lot actually."

After talking for a bit, he directed me to my class and went back to his office. I slowly opened the door. It was huge. Once the door was fully opened, I stepped in and the first thing I said was, "Is that you.......UnClE ZaWa *fake gasp* omg it is." "Dont call me that." Was his reply. He turned back to his class and said, "class this is our new student. She will be joining us from today. Make her feel welcome.......or else you'll pay." When he said that last part, his eyes shone a bright red colour.

I faced the class and introduced myself. "Hello everyone. I'm Freya Ayagi. - *ring ring*" My phone rang. I took out my phone from my pocket and answered, knowing exactly who it was and what he wanted. "You have 5 seconds to explain to me why in the god damn mind you thought you could call me. ............ If you want attention go annoy someone else. No go cry in the corner. No one wants you now bye. ......... I am busy right now so get lost." And with that I cut the call. I looked at uncle and said, "sorry for my foul language." Then i turned back to the class and continued my introduction. "I moved here from America. I look forward to working alongside you." I ended with a bow. Ewww why does being formal not suit me? Who cares. "Do any of you have any questions you want to ask Freya?" Nearly half the class raises their hands. The first person uncle picked was a green haired girl that looked like a frog. So adorable. I thought. "How come she didn't join when we started last week?" "Oh that's because I came here last week and ma- I mean my mum said that it will be better to get to know that place first before starting school. So ya." Then it was the 'child' that bumped into you. " Are you following me or something? Y-you're scary"He said looking scared then tried to make a seductive face and said, "but that what I like about y-" *smack* he got smacked on the head by the frog girl. "What's your quirk?" A green haired boy asked. I was about to answer when uncle told them to continue at break. "Ok now go find a seat for yourself."

I looked for a seat. I found out at the back and went to sit there. On my own how I wanted it. But before I walked away, uncle stopped me and whispered, "call me sensei in school not uncle." You were about to tease him but decided not to.

Cliffhanger. Again.
But for making something clear, when y/n was talking on the phone and I put '.........' that means that the person from the other side of the phone was taking.

That's what I wanted to say

Bye see you on the next chap.

Published : 3/9/21

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