Fake (1/3)

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(We are just gonna pretend she already has her UA uniform cuz I forgot to add that add that in the previous chapter and I don't wanna go and edit it.) Now here is the next chapter, if anyone is even reading this.

After about an hour later, dinner was done and we both ate, talked for a little bit, laughed together from our jokes and just enjoyed our time together. It was getting quite late and I decided to head to bed since I need to wake up early tomorrow..............

I was peacefully sleeping, with my precious music off course, when it suddenly stopped. My eyes shot open. I turned and looked at the direction of my phone to see my mother was standing there with my phone in hand, and she looked like she was ready to run. Angrily, yet sleepily, I hopped off my bed and chased my mum around the house. After about 3 minutes, I caught her, which made her return my phone to me and rapidly walk back to the kitchen.  Since I was downstairs now, I walked back upstairs and got ready for school. Once I was ready, I sat on my bed and went on my phone, since it was really early, 6:25am. Yeah, you might be thinking, don't you feel tired? or isn't that a little cruel? But the thing is, I normally get woken up really early around 4 or 5 for patrol practices in America, so I got used to getting little sleep. 

After about 30 minutes, I decided to get ready for school. I went to my closet to pick out my uniform, placed my uniform on my bed then headed to the bathroom in my room had a quick shower. 

Once I was done and got dressed, I packed my school bag with all the equipment I need, then headed downstairs for my breakfast. I would've made my own breakfast, but since ma was already there, I let her make breakfast. just for today. . . 100%. Once I arrived into the kitchen, I placed my bag on the stool beside me. The house was so quiet, I started to get annoyed, so to fix the problem, I grabbed my phone from the front pocket of my bag and played 'Say My Name' first. (A/n: the songs of your choice, if you want) I sang along with it, then ma also joined. After the song finished, I still had plenty of time before heading to school, so you decided to make a Tiktok. 

The Tiktok (imagine that the skirt is green like the UA uniform and your wearing a full white shirt):

 I watched it one more time before captioning it with 

'good morning people #can'twaitforschool then posted it.

The time now was 7:20, and before I was even going to say anything, my empty tum tum did the talking, I mean growling. Mum laughed at me then went back to what she was doing. She placed my breakfast on the table and I rushed to sit down and gulped it all down. 

------Time skip to when you're on your way to school------

(brought to you by Bakugo wanting attention-

author: get away from me, Bakugo!

bakugo: no. I want cuddles.

author: no

Bakugo: cuddles

author: NO

Bakugo: CUDDLES!!

author: ASK RICECAKES(my friend's nickname)... SHE'S FREE!!!

Bakugo: where is she?

author: right there *points in her direction* now go on, lil' pup. Go to your owner. 

Bakugo: *mutters* I wanted your cuddles, author.

Bakugo:*went zooming to Ricecakes' arms*)

I decided to walk to school, since mum had to go to work today. I was so happy for her. 

Mr. Neighboor was beside me, growling like a grumpy Pomeranian dog. When I stepped out my house, he also stepped out his house, so I decided, why not walk with him since he would know the route to school better than me? So here we are, walking to school, side by side, like a new couple-



I didn't say anything, you saw nothing.

"So you planning on telling me your name anytime soon, or do I have to force it out of you, Mr. Neighboor, oh I mean ~Bakubro~?" Before he could even react, I dashed into the school gates, since we already arrived. He then came chasing after me, but got stopped by Uncle Zawa on the way. I stopped to face the blonde haired boy and stuck out my tongue. 

I went inside the classroom and sat in my place. Since I was early and nobody was here (even Iida), I decided to play some music. This time it was 'Soap'. I also took put my drawing book to draw, since I love doing that, and drew what came to mind. Once I realised what I was drawing, tears came to my eyes. "Please, come back" I silently cried, but once I heard the door opening, I wiped my tears away and placed my drawing book back in my bag. It was Bakugo and a boy with blue hair and glasses. I acted like nothing happened and decided to go on my phone for the remainder of the time........................

Updated : 04/12/21

Edited : 11/12/21

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