Kei Takashi

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There was a knock at our door. Since I was old enough, I went and opened the door.
It was the police.
"We are from the police force and we are here to inform you about  Mrs.Takashi's attack. She has given me this address. Would you mind calling your parents or a guardian so I can speak to them?"

I was stood still. Very shocked. It has been at least 6 full months when she came to us and mentioned that she was pregnant. I stood speechless, rooted in my spot. Hot tears slowly pooring down my face. The baby has to be alright.
"Little miss, could you go and get someone so I could explain this?"
"Oh sorry. I'll-I'll go do that. Come in." I said, in a shaky tone.
"No it's fine thank you, we'll stay out here."
"No please come in, or I'll feel bad."
There was 3 policemen, they all came and sat down.
I went up to my mum's room to go get her. The door was closed.
"Ma?" I called her in a shaky voice.
Everything was shaking. My knees were trembling. My breathing uneven. Aunt Aika was like a second mother to me. I can't lose her. I can't lose my new cousin as well.
"Ma?!?" I called for her again. She came out the door the second she heard my loud call for her.
"Yes, Freya-why are you crying. Hey hey it's okay, tell me what happened."
I couldn't muster anything out, to the point where I wanted to scream and melt away. Ma hugged me and rubbed circles on my back to try and calm me down.
"Come downstairs with me. Someone wants to see you." I said in a less shaky voice, in her shirt.
She kept me by her side and went downstairs. She went and sat across he police officers.
"Good afternoon ma'am. This might sound out of the blue. We were sent to a mission because there was a villain attack near the shopping mall. Someone named Mrs.Takashi was the one attacked." My mum's eyes widened when she heard her sister's name. Her only sister. "Fortunately, we were able to see that she was pregnant, and nothing has gone near her stomach. But, from our information, she has been attacked by a villain with sharp objects and poison. We sent her to the hospital and found out that she was injected with a poisonous injection. Fortunately, we've researched on it and found that it can be removed from the body. But due how long it has entered her body, it has reached some to her baby. Won't affect the baby much, but when he or she will be born, he or she would have to be in the hospital to help monitor how they are doing. As for Mrs.Takashi, she would also need to be kept in the hospital
1 . For safety and 2. So we can monitor her and her health. This might seem like a lot to take in, but before Mrs.Takashi fell unconscious, she informed me to come to this address."
Both mum and I were speechless. Tears stung at our eyes.
"We could go visit her, right?"
"Yes of course."
"Is it possible for you to take me and my mum there, because I don't want to make my mum drive while she is in this state, something might happen. That's her only sister."
"Yes, that should be alright."
We both went out the house into the police car. They drove us to the hospital my aunt was in.

Once we arrived there, I went to the reception area and asked for my aunt's details.
"On the second floor, door number 233." Nodding ahead, I ran to the lift, but also waiting for mum.

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