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 He explained what we were going to do for the lesson. A hero work. Should be easy. .............

After our lesson with All Might, I went up to him to greet him, "hello All Might. it feels like its been forever since I saw you." All Might then looked down at me and showed me his usual bright smile and said, " ahh, young Freya. My, how much you've grown. Last time i saw you, you were only five, this small." he used one of his hands to show the height, just a little under his knees. He then hugged me and picked me up, in a bone crushing hug, You might be wondering, how are you so close to All Might and how do you know each other, well 11 years back, he was the one who saved me, my brother and my parents from a villain. Yuuki, my brother, was a big fan of All Might and after he defeated the villain, we all went to All Might and all Yuuki was doing was clinging onto All Might, so from then on, I looked up to All Might. And that was also where dad got the inspiration to become a pro hero. 

After talking and catching up for bit with All Might, we said our goodbyes and I went back with the rest of the class. 

"Where the fuck did you go, town-girl?" ????? asked.

"That's none of your business mister big boy."

___Time skip brought to you by ????? meeting Author___

(Me: Guess who said that?

Bakugo: Why? They should know it was me.

Me: OMG the person himself is here.-Oh wait how would they know it would be you, huh?*smirks*"

Bakugo: BECAUSE *clears throat and tries to control anger* ....they should know that I'm the only one who speaks to others like that.

ME: *laughs* okay)

It was now home time.

I couldn't wait to tell Ma that All Might was a teacher in UA.

I walked out the school gate and took out something from my bag.

Yep, you guessed it, my disguises. I put on my cap and mask. Just for extra safety.

Anyways, I kept on walking, until I felt my phone vibrating from my pocket. I took out my phone and saw that it was my mum calling. I accepted the call.

"Hey mum. I have great news to tell you."

"Hey sweets. I do too, meet me near that store close to UA."

"On my way, ma"

"I'll be waiting."

With that, I cut the call and made my way to the shop near UA, just where mum told me to go. That's when I saw mum leaning on the car door, talking on the phone with someone. I jogged the rest of the ways to her and embraced her in a tight hug. ".......alright, hun. I'll talk to you later. Our little hero just came from school......bye." With that she cut the call and hugged me back. We both got in the car and waited for the news. "Go ahead. You announce it first." We both stated simultaneously. I removed my disguises and placed them in my bag again.



We both said it at the same time, we both didn't know what we said.


Then we both fell into laughter.

I then repeated what I said, but slowly. "All Might is a teacher in our school AND I'm in Uncle Zawa's class, how cool's that?"

"That's extremely cool. If only he was here. He would've been clinging onto him again, like a little child." The car went silent for a bit before I decided to get both our minds out of the past. "What's your news, ma?"

"I got a job at the place I was recommended in." I squealed like a toddler. "THAT'S AMAZING MUM. I AM PROUD OF YOU!!!" I hugged her for a couple of seconds then let go.

______At home______

We finally reached home, and let me tell you, it felt great to be back at home after a long day at school. I headed straight upstairs to my room to get changed and get comfy so I can relax properly.

Then I got bored and decided to make some Tik Toks. "Ma, can you do Tik Toks with me?" I asked, whilst I also went to look for her...............

Welcome back........I'm sorry for not posting in so long

I lost motivation and I had school to worry about too.

I'll try to update sooner to catch up and yh. See you on the next chapter.

Published : 31/10/21 

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