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"One more time."

I got up from tying my laces, for the third time, and faced Bakugo again. I took at least 10 steps back, so we were at least a metre away from each other.

"Okay. Ready, GO."

He ran full speed at me again, aiming his hand out to grab my shirt. But once again, he missed since I moved back, grabbed his wrist and pulling him towards me. I twisted his arm behind his back and slid him to the ground with my foot. I placed my foot on his back, without putting much pressure.

"4 rounds and I won all of them."

"Not all of them!!!! AND GET YOUR FUCKING FOOT OFF OF ME!!!"

"I only lost in one. 3-1. Well now 4-1. I still won. Loser."

I said, running away from him.


He said, his voice raising, to the point it felt like the ground shook.

He came full speed running after me, using his explosions to propel himself.

I stopped running, facing him as he came closer and closer. I spread my arms out like a starfish and waited for him.

"YOU READY TO DIE OR SOMETHING? FIGHT BACK, IDIOT!!!! OR DO YOU SURRENDER?!?!?" He yelled over the explosions and smirked.

I just stood there, arms spread out, until he was inches away from me. He realised that he couldn't get any closer because something was pushing him back and stopping him. So he decided to use his quirk to try and break whatever was stopping him from getting to me.


"WELL YOU WERE USING YOUR QUIRK, SO I HAD TO MAKE IT FAIR AND USE MY QUIRK!!!" I yelled over the explosions that came one after the other. He stopped.

"Your quirk is metal."

"Well yeah, but I have another quirk that uses air. My dad's quirk. I can control the air particles with my will. For example, now, I have gathered air particles to create a shield around me. The best thing about it is that after lots of training, I managed to combine both my quirks and do lots of other stunts and all." I said, as I broke the shield and walked back to the tree that had my water bottle.

"Wow, that.... that was amazing. Never in my life have I seen someone beat Katsuki. WELL DONE FREYA!!"

"Oh HI MITSUKI. Thanks."
"Wait. So what you're saying is that I'm the first person to have ever beaten you in a fight? Oh my god, sick."

I made my way to the door, where Mitsuki was standing. She opened her arms for me to hug but I declined since I was all sweaty and dirty.


"I WON. 5 to 1. Now suck it up and move away from the door."

"NO. We are having a rematch today. Same place."

"You could've asked me in the weekends. I have things to do today."

"Well tough, cus I want a fucking rematch."

"Bakugo language and Freya, I need to speak to you."

"Coming Mr. Zawa. But let me put my bag in the classroom first."

I barged through Bakugo, and to my seat to put my bag on the chair and met up with uncle Zawa outside.

"Bakugo, go inside."


I stood against the wall, waiting for uncle Zawa to speak.


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