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I stay on the ground for a couple minutes. Trying to regain my energy.

When I finally have enough energy to stand up. I look at Dash. He still lays down and his only movement comes from his tail still. I get on my knees and slowly but carefully pick Dash up.

I look to were Ace was and he's gone. I look around some more and notice everyones gone.

I look at the house in front of me and see a woman in one of the windows. She then disappears and appears at the front door. She quickly walks over to me.

"Follow me." she says as she starts to walk towards the house. I nod and start to walk carefully trying not to cause Dash anymore pain.

She leads me into the house, up a flight of stairs, into a hallway, she then stops in front of a door.

"Here we are." She says then quickly speeds away.

I open the door and see it's a master bedroom. Mostly dark colors but I can change that.  I quickly walk over to the bed and place Dash on it. As I set him down he lets out a soft whimper. "Sorry buddy" I whisper. I then get up and look around the room. I open a door and it leads into a big walk in closet. I then look at the clothes hanging in the hangers. For a nice house they sure do have poor style. I quickly close the door and walk over to another door.

I open it to be greeted by a nice master bathroom. I grab a hand towel that is folded nice and neat next to the sink and soak it with warm water from the sink. I give it a good squeeze and then quickly walk over where Dash lays.

I put the damp towel on where Ace kicked him. I open the curtains that covered the windows and the room was quickly filled with light. I then jump on the bed and lay down. I see a remote on the nightstand and press the on button. I look at the ginormous TV that is mounted on the wall turn on. I turn on Teen Wolf.

I'm on season 3 where Void makes his first entrance in the series. All I gotta say is HOTTT ALERTTT. After a while I'm then interrupted by the lady that showed me the room knock then say dinner was ready.

I turn off the show and get up with Dash following me. Thank goodness he's better. I then open the door to see she's gone. It's like she expects me to know where they eat dinner. I wander around the house seeing no one in sight. I wonder if they have a map.

I'm then cut off by my thoughts when Dash starts to lead the way.

After a couple minutes of following Dash we enter a room where people are sitting.

"You took forever" I hear a familiar voice say. I turn my head to see it was Ace.

"Well, maybe if someone would have showed me where you guys eat or better if you guys would have maps in this maze of rooms I would have gotten here faster." I say as I pull a chair out and sit in it.

I hear him scoff and then everything went silent. SHIT! Dashes food is still at my house.

I look down at the plate that had the most scrumptious food I've seen. I pick the plate up and place it on the floor.

Dash immediately devours down the food. I look up to see the man who kicked me which I'm guessing is Ace's dad stare at me with disgust. "Ugly and rude" I hear him say under his breath. I keep quiet and pick up the plate on the floor and place it back in front of me on the table.

"Would you like some more dear?" I hear a woman say. "Yes mam" I say without making eye contact.

I hear a chair slide then hear a plate being placed in front of me. "Thank you" I say finally looking at her. God Ace is like a spitting image of her. She nods then goes to sit back in her chair.

"So.. I was thinking it would be nice to have the wedding in the summer." I cock my head to the voice and see that it came out of the woman that gave me more food.

"Wedding?" I question. "Yes, a wedding. Did your dad not tell you that part" she says. Ok, ok, giving me away to some weird family is not ok but expecting me to marry the weirdos son definitely not ok. I look at all them with a confused look while all of them looked at me.

"Hell no!" I bark slamming my fist on the table. I stand up and start to walk away when suddenly a knife flies by me and hits the wall beside me. I look at the knife that sticks out of the wall and now I start speed walking out of the room. Dash stays by the table not leaving the chair.

"Dash come!" I yell. He stays put. What's up with him? "Dash vieni qua" I say this time he jumps up and runs towards me. I walk back to my room as Dash trails behind me slowly.

Where is it? I spend a couple minutes wandering around the house when I finally reach my room.

I open the door and enter the room and shut the door behind me and leaving Dash in the hallway. I jump on my bed and turn on my show. I hear wimpers come from outside the room. I ignore it and continue watching my show.

I drift off to sleep but was quickly woken up by a crash come from a couple rooms down. I hop out of my bed and open the door. Dash jumps on me trying to lick my face. I push him down and head to where the noise came from.

I hear another crash and find the room where the noise was coming from. I knock on the door. No response. I knock on it again and still no response.

I finally build up some courage and open the door. I see someone sleeping and then I hear another crash. I look at the TV in the room and realize that's the source of the noise. I enter the room and start looking around for the remote.

After a while I still haven't found the remote. I look in the bed and see it laying beside the tense shirtless body that was sleeping. I reach for the remote only to yank my hand back when the sleeping body rolls over so their face is facing mine and might I add ROLLING OVER THE REMOTE.

Are you fucking serious.

I make out the face of whose room it is and of course it Aces.

Hope y'all enjoy this chapter. It took me a while to get it together. I kept on messing and and trying to make it some what good. I would say perfect but nothing is perfect.

If your reading this thank you so very much. Please leave a vote to.

Next chapter will be out soon. :)

*Not Edited*

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